Season 2 Chapter 12: Be. My. Date

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Izuku sat infront of a water fountain in the centre of the mall, the people who passed him stared at him with awe and jealousy. Izuku wore a lovely green jacket with cloud art on the tips of his hand cuffs and the bottom of his jacket, under it he wore a black hood and blue beige jeans with black and white sneakers 

 Izuku wore a lovely green jacket with cloud art on the tips of his hand cuffs and the bottom of his jacket, under it he wore a black hood and blue beige jeans with black and white sneakers 

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Izuku thoughts: *sigh* where is she, maybe she was just joking with me 

Natsu: Joking ? Wasn't she running around the entire house looking for clothes ?

Rokuro: Yeah don't be so negative Izuku she'll come 

Izuku thoughts: You're right...But still...

Random: hey isn't he the winner of the sports festival ?

Random: Yeah that demon kid

Random: what a monster

Random: What's he doing here ?

Random: The heroes should detain him

Izuku looked down at the ground. He didn't blame them for how they were talking about him he lost control and nearly killed Bakugo so of course they would be afraid but that didn't mean it didn't hurt 

Izuku: Maybe I should just g-

Rimuri: hey I didn't keep you waiting too long did I ?

Izukus eyes widened as he turned and looked at Rimuri but when he did it was as if the world became a hundred times more beautiful. Her mesmerising sky blue hair sparkled like the water of the fountain with braids in her hair, her flawless white skin stood out more with her hypnotising golden eyes. And her blue and white dress made her all the more beautiful she had flower prints on the bottom of it with transparent blue sleeves on her arms.

She held her arm and looked at him with a large blush as he stared for a long time as did everyone around them 

Rimuri: H-hey what's wrong does it look bad ?

Izuku: Beautiful...

Izuku: Beautiful

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