Season 2: Chapter 2: Say to the world" I am here"

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Izuku: Only fifty minutes!

Izuku sat infront of All Might in his office as said hero poured hot water into a pot of tea both discussing the pros remaning time limit being the symbol of peace.

All might: Yeah that's about how long I can use my power now, had you not beaten the Nomu then it probably would be shorter it must've taken a lot out of you unfortunately at this point I can barely look like All Might for an hour and a half but i...

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All might: Yeah that's about how long I can use my power now, had you not beaten the Nomu then it probably would be shorter it must've taken a lot out of you unfortunately at this point I can barely look like All Might for an hour and a half but it should be fine here have some tea

he placed a cup of green tea infront of him

Izuku: thanks

All Might: I brought you here to talk about the sports festival, the problem being you can't fully control that arm of yours so I suggest you focus on only using one for all but that's up to you what's the plan ?

Rokuro: The plan is we win the whole thing !!!

Izuku:  while I want to use one for all I also have something else something I woke when I was saving Elizabeth 

All Might: something else like a new power?

Izuku: yeah but I can't remember what it was 

izuku looked at his palm

Izuku: All I can remember was the anger this burning feeling growing in my chest I didn't understand it 

All Might: Hmm I see sounds like your anger subconsciously awoke a new part of that mysterious power of yours... Tea's getting cold

Izuku: oh yeah 

He picked the cup up and took a seat as All Might stood up and walked to a window " to be frank I don't have much time as the symbol of peace, soon it'll be time to put that title to bed" Izuku looked down upset.

( skip to 19 seconds)

Rokuro: hey cheer up soon it'll be our turn to take over by a new symbol 

All Might: I gave you my power for one reason cause you will be the hero who will take my place! I remember every moment of your growth how we came to where we are so tell me do you still feel the same as you did then?

Izuku: yes! 

All Might: Excellent, the time has come for you to prove it this sports festival it's something that the pros no the entire country will be watching closely it's time to make your debut, you are the fledgling symbol of peace the next All Might ! Izuku Midoriya I want you to introduce yourself to the world and proudly say I am here!

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