Season 2 chapter 4: Bring on the cavalry!

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Midnight: First Years! These are the rules that you'll abide by, the game itself will last 15 minutes. Individual point values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your head bands. Swipe as many bandanas as you can to raise your team's score, stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal the harder it'll be to manage them.And another thing, even if your bandana gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up!

Momo: So it's anyones game then

Sato: Yeah and since there are 42 contestants there'll be 10 or 12 teams fighting the entire time 

 Yuga: Sounds hard

Mina: So if you lose your headband in the beginning you have more time to make up a plan

Tsuyu: well I don't know Mina maybe we should wait to see how the teams turn out before we start strategising

Midnight: This is going to be rough. You may use your quirks as much as you like, but there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and i'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified

Bakugo turned his head angry " tsk" he clicked his tongue

Midnight: Now you've got 15 minutes to build your teams I recommend you get started 


In the pro break room:

Death arms was smoking and watching the tv

Death arms: The sports festival isn't really about seeing how prepared they are to become heroes, it's more about simulating the competition they'll face if they go pro

Death arms: The sports festival isn't really about seeing how prepared they are to become heroes, it's more about simulating the competition they'll face if they go pro

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Mt Lady: huh? What are you talking about ?

Death arms: we both know this county's over run with agencies right now, if you want to put food on the table you got to be willing to step on top of other heroes that was the whole point of the first round 

Mt Lady: that's such a sad way at looking at our jobs

she said while covering her nose from the smoke 

Kamui: Seriously, you've never had a problem stealing the spot light

he said angrily recalling how she took his moment on her debut day

Death Arms: but on the other hand even if you're battling each other for popularity there are plenty cases where you have to work together 

Mt Lady: huh you're right it's just like this cavalry battle every point you score is not just for you but for your team mates as well. Plus you have to think about how your quirks work together and if you're compatible with them

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