Season 2 Chapter 14: Flame of determination

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Izuku was sent flying through the doors of the temple causing Torino to spit out his Teriyaki

Torino: Kid!!!! Woah did he do a number on you

Batman walked to Izuku and smiled

Batman: welcome to your training Izuku Midoriya

Natsu: ...

Rokuro: ...

They gave Izuku a moment of silence and a salute of respect 


Week 1 :

Batman and Izuku were walking up the mountain fog surrounding the entire area and the air becoming harder and harder to breathe in 

Izuku thoughts: Oh man I'm so exhausted my legs are starting to buckle and I'm getting dizzy too 

Batman finally stops and so does Izuku a few feet behind. Batman turned to face Izuku with the density of the air not bothering him in the slightest 

Batman: Now find your way back to the temple at the foot of the mountain this time I won't wait for you to get there before morning and no using your quirk understood 

Batman asked with a glare shocking Izuku 

Rokuro/Natsu: Scary !!

Izuku's thoughts: That's the test?

Turning around and looking at the way they came Izuku soon realised the reason why they came down 

Izuku thoughts: I get it now. Because of the fog he thinks I might get lost, all I have to do is get back by morning no problem not with my dragon slayer nose I've already memorised Batman and Gran Torinos sent 

Izuku turned to see Batman was already gone 

Natsu: AHH!!! Where did he go!!!

Rokuro: Natsu ! Izuku needs to focus 

Izuku: I got no time to lose

Izuku began running back when he tripped over a rope making him nearly fall over before regaining balance. He turned to look at the rope with slight fear realising what it mean his eyes wandered around his surroundings when something faster than he could see hit him in the face causing some blood to escape his lips and some scratches to appear on his face 

Izuku thoughts: What the !! AAAH!!!!

He tumbled back before falling into a pit covered by a disguised sheet. 

Natsu/Rokuro: IZUKU!!!

Izuku groaned in pain and looked up to see what he fell in 

Izuku thoughts: A tiger pit 

Izukus breathing was faster and cold air began escaping his mouth

Izuku thoughts: Of course! There are traps all over the mountain that's why this is a test 

Izuku crawled forward before feeling his hand press against another rope he jumped back in fear " oh no!" Izuku jumped to the side and stood up searching for any incoming objectiles when a bark of wood slammed into his back knocking him over 

Izuku crawled forward before feeling his hand press against another rope he jumped back in fear " oh no!" Izuku jumped to the side and stood up searching for any incoming objectiles when a bark of wood slammed into his back knocking him over 

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