Under spell check, rewrite and continuation

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Hello my beloved audience it is I, Immortalking71 !!! 

I say appearing in my throne with a serpent slithering around me as I smirked at my you all

I say appearing in my throne with a serpent slithering around me as I smirked at my you all

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*Audience cheers*

Me: please, please no applause *clear throat* 

Me: Now as you all know I have taken a break from writing, you see along the line of my stories I ended up crashing into a writers worst nightmare, writer's  block 

Me: I know but fear not, for I have overcome it. Through the countless stories i've had the privilege of reading, i've connected with each and every author who created stories filled with new ideas, incredible new characters and so much more. It has been a journey of incredible growth and as such i've managed a breakthrough and have grown as a writer so I'd like to thank each and every one of you for reading this story.

I know it's been a long wait but now that i've come back it'll be worth every second of the wait now without further ado 

Let the story begin!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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