Season 2 Chapter 1: Back to school

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"Previously on my hero academia. The villains attacked us in the USJ an incident which the news quickly caught onto like sharks but thankfully no information about what went down other than the ambush was given so no one but the people there knew about my incident.

During which I realised the dragon handle I had was taken from me and that I worried my family including the girls a lot so I swore to myself I would never do that again for their sake and my own.

On live Tv:

The people. who were crossing roads and driving through streets saw on a large tv a news report about the USJ

Newswomen: Up next is an update on yesterday's incident at the UA training centre where the hero core students were attacked by a group of villains according to police officials the criminals call themselves the league of villains

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Newswomen: Up next is an update on yesterday's incident at the UA training centre where the hero core students were attacked by a group of villains according to police officials the criminals call themselves the league of villains. Investigators have reportedly uncovered that this group was plotting to kill UA teacher and popular hero All Might since the spring of this year. Police arrested 72 villains at this scene but the league escaped their where about are still unknown 

Meanwhile in a rundown apartment:

Sitting in a dark room with the only source of light the tv a small old man dressed as a hero snaking on Taiyaki was reading a letter in the words of All might

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Sitting in a dark room with the only source of light the tv a small old man dressed as a hero snaking on Taiyaki was reading a letter in the words of All might

" Greetings, the air is warm here it feels like summer's just around the corner. I hope this letter finds you well sir, in good health and in even better spirits. This semester I took a position as a teacher in UA high school, that's right now I'm guiding the next generation of heroes. I was hoping to find someone worthy of my power to guide the next generation of heroes in the school a hero in training with outstanding test scores and a powerful quirk. However, before I began my tenure at UA I met a young man even though he wasn't strong and had a strange and even sinister quirk he showed incredible bravery. He rushed into a dangerous situation that caused pro heroes including myself to hesitate and managed to save the life of a classmate he may have not had a plan when he acted but he knew he had to do something. I feel like watching this young man spring into action taught me something that day it reminded me of the virtues I must embody to call myself a pro or a hero that's why I meant when I said to him" young man you too can become a hero" soon after that I told this pupil the secret of my quirk the power that I transferred to him this ability that I have that has been passed on from person to person cultivated and made stronger the power that binds its self to a courageous heart for the good of those in need. One for all. He accepted without hesitation and I began training him for the trials ahead that he may need to overcome and be accepted into the hero course at UA high school even though he sometimes struggled with his abilities he never gave up and gave 100% as he tried to harness one for all and his mysterious powers. With the short time I've spent with him, I began to realise how proud I was to have met and given my powers to this young man he has shown me time and time again that he has what it takes to become a hero. I'm still quite new to the role of instructor but the day may come when I need to trouble you for your wisdom teacher until then take care of yourself as the time changes I'll continue to keep you updated sincerely yours" 

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