Season 2 Chapter 15: A Stain on society

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Stain stood on top of a building looking down on Hosu when Kurogiris warp gate opened behind him and Shigaraki came out followed by Kurogiri himself

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Stain stood on top of a building looking down on Hosu when Kurogiris warp gate opened behind him and Shigaraki came out followed by Kurogiri himself.

Shigaraki: Hosu city looks better then expected, so what you gonna do ? 

Stain: I will reform it...In order to do so blood must spill 

Kurogiri: You have a clear goal. Your dedication is admirable 

Stain stood up" *sigh* finally someone who understands " he said sticking his tongue out as Shigaraki scratched his neck 

Shigaraki: I get the feeling you enjoy picking on me 

Stain: hero is a title for those who've accomplished great deeds! This city is full of false champions, all they care about is money and fame 

He gripped onto his blade 

Stain: Until this world realises its mistakes I will continue my work

Stain jumped away from roof to roof searching for his targets 

Shigaraki: he talks all high and mighty and stuff but he's waisting his time focusing on a small stage. It's so noble I could cry 

Kurogiri: You shouldn't spur his methods, the reality is in all the cities where Stain has appeared the crime rates have fallen. Perhaps because heroes are more conscientious or perhaps out of fear regardless he does bring change 

Shigaraki turned around angrily " well isn't that just wonderful?! Heroes are working harder thanks to all those murders i guess you could say our hero killer is also a hero breeder 

He crossed his arms and turned back 

Shigaraki: This is getting boring. It won't work we just can't agree on a basic level and he annoys me, Kurogiri bring out the Nomus. You think you can get away with stabbing me when I get tired of you i'll kill you, whenever I feel like it just like that Stain hehe I can't wait for you to fail and become a monster 

Three Nomus walked out Kurogiris warp gate 

Three Nomus walked out Kurogiris warp gate 

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