Chapter 6

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Madara's pov-
Obito has finally fallen into my hands. Zetsu has been helping me by convincing him that we are helping him. Zetsu recently told me that he kidnapped Rin. I knew that Obito hadn't had feelings for hers in a long while. I decided to use my sharingan to fully wipe his memories of this (y/n). He needs to feel raw pain so he will become the Madara that leads me to obtain the 10 tails.

"So Obito. Who is this (y/n) that you're always talking about?" I asked. "O-Oh. She's the person I love. Hopefully she doesn't mind my looks that I have now." Replied Obito with a chuckle. That's when I activated my sharingan and the man finally forgot about (y/n). "Rin was kidnapped." I said. That was enough to make Obito run. My plan is finally working.

Kakashi's pov-
(y/n) and I were force you split up to look for Rin. She said she didn't want to but I wanted to save Rin. After all that happened, I found her. (y/n) was far away and that's when Rin suggested that I kill her. She had the three tails inside of her. We were surrounded and as I was trying to attack with my chidori, Rin ran right in front of me. I-I killed Rin.


Obito's POV-
Kakashi killed Rin. He removed his hand from her and that's when I lost it. Kakashi had already passed out and the enemies were getting closer to them. Before I could do anything however, a leaf shinobi ran towards them. "Kakashi. Rin!" She yelled. Her s/c skin shined from the moon. Her (h/l) (h/c) flew in the wind as she finally made it. Special markings appeared as she tried to heal Rin. "You can't die. Obito is waiting for you." She said as she cried. But it was useless. It didn't save Rin. She stood up with blood on her hands and lost it. "YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" She yelled before running towards the enemy. She soon decapitated an enemy and then stabbed another. She dropped her sword before forming a blue light. "Rasenshiriken." She said before she took out the remaining enemies. "I'm sorry." She said with tears before she fainted. I walk towards and held Rin in my arms. "I will make a world where you can live again." I said before I walked away. I don't care what happens to Kakashi or that (h/c) haired girl.

Kakashi's pov-
I was washing off my hands for the 20th time tonight. I killed Rin and all I could see was blood. I then heard a knock at my door. When I opened the door, I was crushed by (y/n) as she pounced into a hug. "I missed you. I hope you're okay." She said. I blushed. She told me she was staying the night and that was the first night I didn't have nightmares.

Time skip
Minato just became hokage and I was assigned to the anbu. Turns out (y/n) has been a member since Obito's death so it was no wonder she was busy.

She was so fearless on our missions. It was wonderful. I could feel myself getting more fascinated with her. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was amazing as it flew in the wind. "Kakashi. Are you ready? Today we are spying on a small village in a tree that is working with Orochimaru. They say that if these people get exposed to the wind, they will disappear." She said. She was really an amazing captain. "Kakashi. Are you ready?" She repeated. I nodded. I got to distracted by her.

Time skip cause I can't think of anything .-.

The leaf village was under attack but the older shinobi didn't allow us to go and help. Where is (y/n)! 

First person pov-
This is where I get to see Obito! I realized he was delusional in the head but still. I love him after all. That's when I ran into Obito holding a baby Naruto.  Minato wasn't anywhere in sight  not yet anyway. So I took this opportunity. He easily noticed me. "Obito. Please give me Naruto. I realized you aren't okay in the head right now. You think the world is against you but trust me, it's not. This shinobi world only gets better. I'm here for you. I love you after all." I said as I walked closer. "Get away from me, bitch." He said in the deep Madara voice. It shook me to my core. That's when Minato came in and grabbed Naruto. "Take Naruto away now!" Yelled Minato. I knew what to do.  I ran towards Kushina. I'll stop Kurama. I understand him or at least I think I do. I might be dumb but I'd rather die then have Minato and Kushina not be there for Naruto. Besides I think I have the soul imprint of Master Hageromo. "Kurama!" I yelled. He looked down in awe. Maybe because I called his name. "Please stop! I don't want Naruto to be alone!" I yelled.  That didn't work and it made him even madder. "(Y/n) get away." Yelled Minato. Everything was happening like the original anime. Minato and Kushina got shish kebabed.

I cried. "Im sorry Minato!" I yelled. He just smiled as he and Kushina fell down. That's when Hiruzen ran up. He got the name Naruto before Minato and Kushina officially passed.

The next day was sad. Everyone was rebuilding the town and Hiruzen was named hokage again. I offered to raise Naruto but was denied due to my anbu responsibilities and how he would be all alone with me. HE WAS ALONE BEFORE! A lot of other shinobi also lost their life and I failed to save them. I feel guilty that I'm alive and no one I wanted to protect is alive. Why am I here?!? I feel so selfish.

Time skip cause it's needed-
Yamato/ Kinoew recently attacked the Hokage on Danzo's orders. We managed to friend Yamato. Kakashi and me protected him, even with how he treats Naruto. I still go see Naruto and I act like his mom from time to time hoping that he might grow up happier.

"M-M-Mommy." Said Naruto struggling with his first word. I immediately lifted him up and twirled him around. I then gave him butterfly kisses before I finished his meal that I cooked.

"Here you go Naru." I said with a smile. "T-Thank y-you." He struggled but managed to say. 3 year old Naruto is so adorable. "Ms. (Y/n). It's time for a mission." Reported an anbu member. My heart ached. "Please look after Naru for me." I said as I handed my favorite little boy to the anbu. If my kid was like Naruto, I wouldn't mind having one. He nodded awkwardly. I then left to the secret room and got changed. I met up with Kakashi and Yamato. Then we set off.

This is the mission where Kakashi knows Yamato or should I say Tenzo a lot more. He was the only person in Naruto besides Hashirama to possess the wood style. Of course I possess it not but I'm not considered a Naruto character.

As we were wandering into the cave. We meet the girl with the freckles and red hair. I forgot her name. "Who are you?" She asked. "I'm (y/n) and this is..." I was interrupted however. "I didn't ask you. I meant this boy with the brown hair." She said all stuck up. I realized that he looked like her brother but that was no way to treat me. "His name is ya-Kinoe." I said, trying to correct myself. "I didn't ask you!" She then walked up to Yamato. "You look just like my brother Tenzo." She said. They look nothing alike but okay. The clan didn't seem to not like us there so they tried to chase us out.

The mission was a bust. I hated it.

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