Im warning you about LUCY!!!!

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The bell rings for lunch.
Anna: Hi I'm Anna you must be new?

Joanna: Yea I am I'm Joanna.

Anna: So I saw you talking to Lucy. You guys must know each other or something.

Joanna: Yea we use to be good friends back in Cali until she moved why do you ask?

Anna: I'm warning you she's not the most liked around here I mean some people like her but not every one and the two girls she's always with are like her slaves the would do anything for her . I don't think she's the same as she used to be!!!!

Joanna: Well thanks for the warning but she's my friend and if you have a problem talk to her about it.

Lucy spots Joanna with Anna and calls her.

Lucy: Joanna!!! Joanna!!!!

Joanna: Hey can I sit here?

Kelly and Sasha( Lucy's sidekicks) make a wired look like they don't want Joanna to sit with them.

Lucy: Well of course I don't think you have met my two best friends Kelly and Sasha.

Kelly and Sasha: Hi

Joanna: Hi

Lucy: So what do u have planned for today I was thinking maybe you could hangout at the mall with us.

Joanna: Nothing and sure but I don't have a car?!

Lucy: Oh silly you could ride with us. So I saw u talking to Anna. Did she say anything about me.

Joanna: What makes you think she said something about you.

Kelly and Sasha: She has a problem with Lucy we all use to be friends until she dated Lucy's ex boyfriend nick. Then she made a page talking about us saying that were all dum and we mess around with every boy in the school.

Joanna: Oh and yes she gave me a warning.

Lucy: I don't think you should hangout with her she is so fake and a liar.

Joanna: Well okay.

Nick walks up and Joanna starts staring.

Nick: Hey Pooh Bear.

Lucy: We're not dating anymore remember, what do u want.

Nick: But we can and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over later u know why.

Nick whispers in Lucy's ear. So we could study slash get back together.

Lucy: Your such a jerk don't talk to me ever again.

Nick: Who's this?

Joanna: I'm Joanna

Lucy: Don't talk to her nick she's not like Anna.

Nick: Fine I'm leaving now.

Lucy: Actually we're leaving know.

Bell rings for 5th period.

Lucy: See you later Joanna and remember what I said about Anna.

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