Stuck indoors Stevex reader

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In summer the breeze is warm, almost too warm, you and Steve had planned a picnic because it was only supposed to reach 70 degrees but now it was a stifling 90, so setting yourselves up in one of the temperature controlled outdoor rooms you and Steve began to unpack your basket of food.

'I guess this isn't so bad' You told Steve who was admiring the top of the dome, it was almost invisible to the naked eye but to us, the Avengers we were trained to see things others couldn't.

'We're still indoors' Steve muttered under his breath.

You leaned back feeling the fake breeze on your face. 'We can't be outside in that heat, you'll get burnt or worse cancer' You teased.

'We are locked in a simulation, none of this is real, this is all Starks bullshit to keep us here instead of out in New York' Steve took an angry bite of his sandwich.

'Steve, we should enjoy our time together, besides we have a mission briefing this afternoon I don't want to stress about nonsense' You advised, slipping off your sandals just leaving you with your sun dress on, jumping up on your feet you look down at Steve who was perplexed by your ever so often random behavior. 'Besides I have a better idea, come on' You extend you hand down to him and he takes it without a second thought.

'How are you going to get passed Friday?' Steve was beginning to pick up what you were putting down.

'Friday is just a computer, fry her system and she's down until Stark comes to fix her' Lightening crackled through your fingers, aiming your shot to the coms system, shutting Friday down.

The dome which was a nice plush green park was now just a white boring room with a blanket and basket on the ground, the sprinklers came on and began to shower the both of you with water.

You laughed at your triumph. 'Come on Steve! Let's go outside, I have an idea'

Since the security system was down there was no entry passes needed and no retinal eye scans to secure areas, you shorted out the sprinklers outside and they came to life, spraying the ground, sending out rainbows from the suns reflection.

'Starks gonna kill us' Steve shouted over the loud sprinkler noises.

'He can shove it for all I care, we deserve better than to be trapped everyday' You danced around through the water away from Steve.

Steve watched you dance and twirl your dress out so water would fly in each direction, he admired your free spirit compared to his cautious nature, your smile lit up his world any negative could be turned positive just by one look at you. Steve shot his shoes off and ran after you through the wet, muddy ground.

'Come on Steve' Giggling as he caught you, spinning you around lovingly.

'Thought you were too afraid to come after me' You teased him, leaning into his face.

'I couldn't resist the urge, I can't get enough' Steve's lips crossed with yours tipping you back, letting the water rain over top of you two, abruptly the water stops raining down.

'Hey! Shows over, love birds' Tony screamed from the parking lot.

'I guess our fun is over' Steve huffed under his breath. 'I told you he was going to be mad'

'Tony needs a life' You roll your eyes, stepping through the muddy grass.

'That's it, come on, we need to have a serious talk about water expenses'

You let down a lightening strike near Tony and watch him dodge out of the way. 'Put on the suit Tony let's see who wins this round!' You shout back at him, standing your ground.

Tony waggled his finger at you. 'Very funny circuit board, I know better than to tango with you again'

You let down another lightening bolt for the absurd name calling. 'Next time I won't be so nice' You step onto the pavement next to Steve, holding his hand.

'Alright who shorted Friday? You fried the system and now I get to work on my day off'

'I did.' Steve spoke before you could take the blame and fight Tony again. 'I got tired of being indoors so I blew the system'

'You know for an old man I never took you for one with computers but maybe you do know a thing or two'

Steve scoffed. 'You know I'm getting really tired of your shit Tony' Steve got into Tony's face. 'You want to fight, you want to keep us locked up like freaks, not anymore, I quit, come on Y/N'

'You walk away you won't have a home anymore' Tony yelled to them his voice cracked when he realized he had lost a close friend.

'We'll manage just fine' You replied for Steve who was visibly upset. 'You okay Steve?'

'Fuck Tony'

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