Stuckyx You

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I came home from a long day at work, the frustrations and annoyances getting to me, plus the fact I was out late shopping with my best friend yesterday, throwing myself onto the couch, not even bothering to take off my heels or dress clothes from work.
'Bucky?' I called out from the couch.
He came from the kitchen and peaked around the corner, keeping an eye on the boiling water on the stove. 'Yes doll?'
'Can you come here?'
'I'm starting dinner, what do you need baby?'
With one leg on the couch and the other firmly on the ground, I was exposed to him, I gave him a wink and began to touch my breasts through my silk shirt, pulling one of the buttons apart to get his attention. 'All the pent up frustration at work has got me stressed, I could use a Bucky massage' Looking at him watching me, his hair pulled back in a bun and a black tee shirt and black joggers, has got me all turned on.
'Steve's gonna be home soon, I gotta get dinner done' I could tell Bucky was aching in those pants with how I was behaving.
'Stevie will understand Bucky, I need you' My voice purred like I was in heat, I craved his touch.

Padding over to me his body sunk to the floor in between my legs, his hands gripped around my butt pulling me into him, I felt him rub my sweet spot through my panties while the other hand pushed up my skirt.

'You're so wet doll, were you thinking about us at work? You naughty minx'
The way his fingers smoothly pulled my panties to one side and dived into my vagina sent my body into ecstasy. 'Oh Bucky please!'

Another finger slipped inside while his thumb continued to work it's magic on my clitoris, his metal hand ripped through the buttons of my blouse. Damnit Bucky I can never own anything nice. Feeling around for the clip in the front of my bra. Steve's request cause he can never get the back off smoothly enough. His rough metal hand gently pulled my nipple, massaging it back down, it stung but it made the feeling higher, fuck I needed him to go faster if I was ever going to reach my climax, Bucky's tongue took place of his thumb, palming his silky hair messing up that bun of his.

'Baby please' I cried out, lightly pushing his head into my mound more.
He came up for air but before he stopped he gave my cunt one full lick before suckling my nub. 'Not till Steve comes home doll'
'Fuck' I moaned out.
'You know how much Steve loves to finish you off after a long day' His tongue flicked my nipple, leaving hot breathy spots along my neck. 'Besides I wanna fuck that mouth of yours'

Bucky's tongue invaded your mouth when he heard the front door opened, Steve stood in the door way watching the scene unfold in front of him, he had to palm his cock through his pants watching his lovers on the couch together. Steve cleared his throat and we both stopped and looked at him, he gave me those dominating eyes like he was hungry for me but I just gave him my sweet horny eyes back and he melted away with the hard exterior he had to put on while at work at home he was my sweet boy while Bucky was my bad boy.

'Hi Stevie' I panted, his eyes scanned over my body, ripped open top with my breast pressed against Bucky's chest, my skirt that was hitched up around my stomach, Bucky's fingers still toying from inside me.
'We couldn't wait hmm?' Steve took off his loafers agonizingly slow, grabbing Bucky's arm when he touched my sensitive clit.
'Come here honey, I need you' I moan breathily.
'What about dinner?' Steve was now taunting me, I knew he wanted me bad but we were being punished, he stopped above us, petting Bucky's hair but then pulled back on it, making Bucky grunt in pleasure.
'Sorry baby, she had me wrapped around her'
There was one thing that will turn Steve in to hard ass and that's food, don't mess with his dinner. 'Come down here Steve, I'll get carry out after'
Bucky moved off the couch so Steve could lay between my legs, pulling off the skirt and panties I was naked for them. 'You won't be going anywhere, I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk, baby'

His lips part on my naked leg, sending shivers down my body, removing my heels one by one so I don't poke more holes in to the couch, kissing the inner parts of my thigh burying his face into my folds. Bucky turns my head towards him, his pants off and fully erect penis in my face, burying himself inside my mouth, his hand gently massaging my head through my hair.

Pulling myself away from Bucky's cock I continued to stroke him when I could feel Steve getting close to getting me to my high. 'Steve I'm so close baby' morning out, I jerk my body when Steve sucked and pulled my folds kissing my stomach he sits up and undoes his pants.
Fully erect taunting me, he slid his cock up and down my slit before entering inside me.

'Baby doll I'm gonna come' I heard Bucky whisper in breathy tones.

Humming on his cock he came in my mouth while Steve continued to pound his cock inside me, he was never this aggressive but I enjoyed this new side to him, cleaning Bucky off with my mouth he came down and gave me a wet kiss before trailing over to Steve kissing his bicep onto his neck then to his cheek, Steve's breathing became erratic as he neared his climax, Bucky caressing his ass gave him a good smack that sent Steve over the edge, collapsing on top of me, gently stroking my hair.

'How ya feeling doll?' Bucky asked kissing my forehead.
'Better, people at work are still shitty but I have you two to come home to'
'That's right babygirl' Steve responded cleaning himself off with a towel Bucky gave him.
'And if anyone is mean to you again, Send them to your boyfriend and I'll straighten them out'
'Bucky I appreciate it, but you can't kill them'
'Let them be mean again doll, I don't like it when my things are harmed'

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