Snowball fight Natashax reader

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Natasha and I thought it would be a good idea to have a little friendly competition, meaning who could build a better snow fort.
We had spent most of the afternoon building and creating giant walls, anytime I spent with Nat was special since it was far and few between that we were actually alone.
I had felt the hit on my back, turning quickly to see where it came from, but no one was around. Snow fell from my back and I knew Natasha was trying to start a snowball fight, always the fighting with her.
I began to whistle, our secret communication between us. I heard a soft whistle back, Natasha was playing games she knew she couldn't win.

"Tasha come on, it's cold, I wanna go inside and warm up"

I could sense another snowball coming my way, so I stopped it with my powers, I balled another snowball up and ducked behind my giant wall I built, waiting for my turn to strike back.
I took all my skills Natasha had taught me and applied them, throwing the ball of snow as soon as I heard a crunch, which hit her square in the chest, leaving a nice snow print on her coat.

"Yes! I got you!" I shouted out with excitement.

In my excitement, she got me back, blinding me for a second. I was knocked to the ground, Natasha was knelt above me.

"Hi kotehok (kitten)" Natasha greeted me.
"I didn't keep my guard did I?" I was mildly disappointed with myself.
"Not that you ever do, but that's not your specialty" Nat leaned down to kiss my frozen nose. "You're freezing, let's head inside"
"But we were having fun!" I was sad our playtime was over.
Natasha helped me off the frozen ground. "I have an idea to warm us both up"
"Oh?" I giggled as Natasha led me inside the compound.

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