He found your pills Thorx reader

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Waking up in the morning was a challenge, you suffer from anxiety and depression, it's all that killing and fighting you do with the Avengers, after a few years it takes its toll on your mind, reaching over to the bedside draw where you had hidden your medication for the better half of a year now from Thor.
Thor on the other side had just gone through extensive therapy to work through his grief of his mother, father, half brother, finding out he has an evil sister, and on top of all of that he was getting hate from the world for not killing Thanos, but for all those faults he was still worthy and still managed to keep it together, well, for the most part, we were working on the working out a bit and the drinking but you didn't mind, it kept your mind busy to worry about something other than your struggles with being an Avenger.
Digging to the bottom of the draw for your meds you find they aren't there, panic strikes you, where are they? Or worse did Thor find them? You told yourself to not react and to just act normally, maybe you just misplaced them.
Slipping into one of Thor's t-shirts that smelled of the god, you quietly exited the room and saw Thor sitting on the couch holding your pills.

He looks up at you and smiles gently. 'What is Prozac?' Thor looked tired, did he even sleep last night?
'Um... I...' You couldn't bear to tell him your suffering, not with all this good progress.
'Y/n tell me, I want to hear it from you'
You started to cry, it feels like you had been a recently discovered drug addict and were being called out on the abuse. 'Thor I didn't want to tell you because you were getting so much better You collapsed on the ground near his feet.
'Y/n we're partners' Thor held up his hand to show you his wedding band that he now wore. 'We vowed to keep each other safe, no lies, no secrets, I can't keep you safe if you keep secrets and lie to me'
You couldn't keep the tears at bay, they streamed down your face like a river. 'I'm sorry'
'Don't be, I understand, I don't want you to feel alone, you know when I saw my mother again and she saw me I thought all kinds of horrible things, like she wouldn't love me, or think I was worthless, but she didn't, she still loved me and then to know I am still worthy of ruling well now destroyed Asgard it gave me what I needed to want to do better, and the rabbit is an excellent friend'
'I just wanted to be strong for you' You felt like you were hyperventilating, hardly being able to get words out.
'Y/n you are the mightiest I've ever seen, even worthy enough to hold Mjolnir, whatever demons you have, you will knock them down'
You shook your head to get the awful thoughts you had. 'What about you Thor?'
'Me? I am Thor, son of Odin, the god of thunder, king of Asgard, I'm totally fine'
You raise an eyebrow. 'What about the drinking? The Fortnite all day? The working out?'
'Yes, yes of course I am working on my problems' Thor looked off to the left and you knew he was lying, but this wasn't a battle you wanted to fight today.
'Thor you are, yes, but I haven't been keeping you going lately' Your hands cover his free hand that didn't hold your medication.

He set down your meds. 'I have noticed' Thor's other hand covered your hands. 'Hence the rummaging through your drawers'
'I'm sorry for hiding that from you, I won't any more'
'Great! Now Mrs. Odinson you look mighty fine, I must take you to bed' Thor lifts you bridal style, you scream out as he lifts you, kissing him on the cheek.

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