Christmas lights Buckyx reader

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'Come on Bucky it'll be fun' you whined in his ear.

You guys had been dating for a few months and haven't had a chance for a proper date, since being an avenger was a 24/7 job.

'Christmas lights are just colored lights y/n' Bucky was playing up the drama because he was nervous about their date, he'd much rather cuddle on the couch and watch a movie.
'Come on buck' Steve slapped his old friend on his good shoulder. 'Take the Lady out, besides she got all dolled up for you'
Steve was right, you had put on makeup and did your hair, even wore a fuzzy sweater dress, granite it was covered by a coat, scarf and hat, it wasn't the point.
'Alright doll, let me grab my coat' He kisses your forehead and excused himself.
Bucky walked away from Steve and you. 'Be kind, buck hasn't been on a proper date in 80 years'
'I'll be a real gentleman' You teased; Steve tried to understand the new age humor, but he was out of time.
'Ready y/n?' Bucky waited at the door for you.

You took Bucky's hand and left the Avengers HQ for the first time in a month, there had been snow on the ground and the sun was setting, so you were regretting your choice to not put on leggings with your dress, but you figured it'll only be an hour or so and it really wasn't that cold.
Driving into the city you could already see the twinkling lights, the colors that lit up the sky, you couldn't believe you had missed them last year due to a mission, that's when Tony declared Christmas an off day, yelling at Director Fury and Tony about the whole thing, people tend to stay on your good side since you kind of throw things with your mind when you get angry.

'Did you want to go to time square? We can get food from one of the trucks'
'Doesn't matter to me, I'm just excited to go'
Bucky glances over to you, he saw the lights from the town in your eyes, sparkling, he smiled and focused back on the road, keeping a huge grin on his face.


Once you had parked and walked into time square, you both were tired of stairs and snowy pavement, but the lights are what keep you going and Bucky was happy you were excited, snapping cliche couple photos by the big Christmas tree and other decorations, you turned your head in hopes to catch another whiff of whatever you just smelt.

'Do you smell that?' You asked trying to pinpoint the sweet smell.
'They have churros for sale?' Bucky wasn't sure what you had smelt but he suggested something sweet.
'Yes! That's it come on!' Grabbing Bucky's hand, you pulled him up the steps and into the line for churros.
Bucky caught you looking at him. 'What's up?'
'Nothing, I'm just happy to be here with you'
'You know, I never had a chance to tell you earlier, but you do look really beautiful' Bucky gave you a light squeeze, stepping up to be served next. 'Yeah, two please, thanks' Bucky handed the man some cash and walked away with you tucked closely in his big metal arm.
'How do you keep your arm from freezing?' I asked genuinely curious.
'Ah, not sure, however T'Challa made it, makes it not freeze, it's definitely nicer than the one that hydra gave me' Bucky answered admiring his metal arm.
'It makes your biggest weakness your greatest strength I'd say'
'That day on the train, I thought I was going to die, but I didn't, you know being brainwashed isn't all fun and games' Bucky took a seat on the ledge of a garden box, brushing the snow off with his metal hand so you could sit.
'Thanks, yeah I could have guessed it wouldn't be' using your power, you made the snow kick up from the roof tops, so it made time square snow.
Bucky looked at you with love in his eyes, as you gazed back into his. 'I love you y/n, gosh I was so nervous to say anything because you are perfect and I didn't know if you felt the same way and...'
You cut him off with a finger to his lips. 'James, I love you'
His eyes lit up as bright as the lights that surround us. 'Really?! I was worried you didn't feel the same!' He picked you up and swung you around in his arms, kissing and nuzzling your face over and over again.

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