Down to Earth Loki and Wanda

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Loki came down from Asgard using the bifrost, looking for Thor on earth, at the Avengers tower. What Loki didn't anticipate was that the scarlet witch resides there, he could sense her presence as soon as he stepped inside. Loki stepped into Wanda's room, knowing full well who resided in this room, he noted the sleeping young woman, so he shifted into some pajamas to blend in. Wanda had felt his energy, even within her dream state she woke up in a fright, her magic swirled around her hands, throwing it in Loki's direction, he had made it disappear just before it hit him in the face.

"Who are you?" Wanda contained another energy ball into her palm, her voice was frightened but managed to keep herself together.
"I am the brother of Thor, Loki Odinson" Loki tried to greet her with an outstretched hand but Wanda didn't trust him.
Her eyes narrowed in distrust. "Why are you here?"
"I need to speak to my brother" Loki put his finger to his mouth like he was thinking, looking back at Wanda, waggling his finger in front of her. "But I find you much more intriguing, what do they call you?"
Wanda began to play with the magic she created between her fingers. "The witch, mostly from from Stark, my name is Wanda"
"The Ironman?" Loki laughed at her disgust for Tony. "Nothing about him is special, it's just a suit, forget him, he's nothing, but you are something, something powerful" Loki jumped on her bed and sat cross legged in front of her. "Show me your powers"
Wanda smiles, thinking she can outwit Loki. One things for sure, she was drawn to the god, something about him she liked. "Let me show you my favorite"

Loki liked where this was headed, his eyes reflected as the red magic swirled around her body also as if she couldn't fully control it. Yet Loki still seemed to enjoy the madness. To see another's powers that weren't being blasted in his face was something Loki hadn't experienced, no one liked him enough for him to share his talents and gifts.

"Of course, I'll show you mine as well" Loki gave a devilish smile, knowing he was about to trick her, as he always does.

Wanda began to influence his mind, but there was no mind to influence, it was as if he was a ghost, Loki leaned into her ear, whispering something inaudible, from behind her, frightening her in the process.

"How did you do that?" Wanda was intrigued, no one has has gotten away from that before except Clint, but he had been brainwashed before.
"I can create multiples of myself, mighty nice trick to have if you want to pretend you're dead, now what was that power of yours?" Loki remembers pretending to die to save Thor, which is why he was there, to let him know he was alive.
"I can create chaos magic, influence your mind" Wanda was now mildly on edge, watching Loki carefully.
Loki's grin was one for the books, he smiled so large it would scare children. "Ooh, I like that"
"Hold still, I want to try something" Wanda's hands covered each side of Loki's face, waiting for him to answer her.
"Go ahead" Loki's smile was softer, more warming now.

Wanda uses her power to read his mind, she saw everything, how he had grown up on Asgard and was taken as a baby by Odin, Thor and Loki fighting and then Loki dying, how was he here then? The most shocking thing she discovered is that he had growing feelings for her.

Wanda took her hands away slowly, still in shock. "You like me?" Her hands trembled, she felt weak, like he had taken her energy away.
Loki of course hadn't, she just didn't know how to control her powers and felt drained. "Why wouldn't I? You are just like me" Loki gets incredibly close to Wanda's face.
Her cheeks turn red, blushing. "I'm not a god" Wanda was embarrassed, Loki wanted to treat her like she was some amazing person.
"No, you aren't" Loki manifested multiples of himself. "You are magical" They all spoke at once, making Wanda feel better.

Wanda let the magic flow from her body surrounding themselves in it, Loki inches away from her face, he kisses her, soft and quick the kiss was, like it was both of their first times. Loki nuzzled into Wanda's neck, too shy to look her in the eyes.

"Are you going to stay?" Wanda asked, her hand slid into his.
"No, not here, I'll find my own place nearby"
"Take me with you" Wanda got up on her knees, pleading with Loki.
"Anywhere you'd like" Loki grinned, knowing he got the girl.

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