Nightmares Stucky

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Steve laid in his bed just about to fall asleep when he heard a scream come from the other side of the apartment. Once they had found Bucky, Steve took him in to help him become accustomed to the new world.

Steve threw back his blankets. "Buck?" Listening for a response or a noise back.

Steve didn't get a response back; jumping out of bed, Steve quietly walked down the dark hallway, opening Bucky's door with blue boxers and a blue tee-shirt. Bucky wasn't in bed but rather behind the door, grabbing Steve's neck with his metal arm. This was the second time Bucky had switched in his sleep, the other no one had been home, and well Bucky made a mess of the place, this time Bucky took his old friend by the neck and slammed Steve into the bed, breaking the bedposts and flatting the bed.

"No!" Bucky cried out in agony, his eyes glazed over, muttering unintelligible words.

Steve tried to grab his friend's metal arm to stop him from being strangled, but it was no use. Steve could hear Bucky's metal arm clink, choking him harder. "Bucky!" Steve struggled, kicking Bucky over and over again.

Bucky shook his head, trying to let go of the memories in his head. He came to releasing his friend's neck. Steve rolled off Bucky's bed, breathing heavily and raspy, healing pretty quick.

Bucky fell off the end of the bed in a daze; Bucky looked over at Steve, knowing he messed up. "Steve, I swear I didn't mean it, I just had a dream. I was back in Hydra, and they read the words, and I just felt myself switch" Bucky rubbed his head, feeling bad he attacked his best friend.

Steve looked up at the dresser, grabbing the water bottle off the table, and threw it at Bucky. "Drink, you just had a bad dream" Steve lifted himself off the floor and sat back on the bed. "Come on, Buck, come sit" Bucky struggled with getting up; he didn't want to be near Steve in case he hurt him again. 'You won't hurt me,' Reassured, Bucky got up and sat close to Steve but not touching close. Bucky takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Were in this together, remember?"
Bucky scooted closer to Steve, hoping Steve wouldn't move away from him. "Can I be honest with you?"
"I thought we were always honest with each other, Buck?" Steve nudged Bucky's shoulder, pushing him a little.
Bucky pushed back, more rigid and serious. "I'm serious; I feel safe with you, Steve, like nothing can hurt me" Bucky braced himself to either be very rejected or punched.
Steve was silent for far too long; he couldn't believe Bucky felt the same. Bucky was shaking, almost making the bed vibrate. "Come here, Bucky" Steve patted the small space between them.

Bucky scooted closer to Steve but remained stiff and on edge. Bucky didn't know what Steve was going to do. But it also his best friend, who is in love with Peggy and had a brief relationship with Sharon, he was nervous, and it made him sick.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, Buck, I promise" Steve rubs his back, trying to calm him down, Steve knew Bucky was scared, but he was hoping his gestures were reassuring.
Keeping his feelings locked away, he tried to cover what he said by playing it cool. "You are a good friend, Steve."
Steve smiled. Now Bucky was being silly. "We are way more than friends."
"I don't want this to ruin our friendship," Bucky spoke honestly.
"I love you, Buck; I don't want anything to happen to you" Steve's hand wrapped around Bucky's metal one.
"I love you, Stevie; ever since I met you, I don't want to lose you."
Steve gave Bucky a sweet hug and kissed his cheek. "You aren't going to lose me, baby; I'm with you till the end of the line.

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