Drinking dulls the mind Stevex Reader

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Steve/ You

You and the Avengers had just finished a mission in Russia, taking down another Hydra base, using your telepathy to control the guards to kill each other, being telepathic took a toll on your mind, the more you used it the more you got headaches, the everyday use of reading minds unwillingly made you want to scream.
Downing another shot, the noise of people's thoughts cease and you can think again, you didn't really get drunk anymore, you just used it to calm your mind, standing up from the couch you were sat on, made your way to the kitchen to find Tony's stash of alcohol, rummaging through cabinets you attracted the attention of Steve Rogers aka Captain America.

'Y/n, what are you doing?' Steve crossed his arms a crossed his chest.
Banging your head on the top of the cabinet. 'Shit! Sorry Cap, that really hurt' pulling yourself out of the cabinet and leaning back against the island counter, holding your head.
Steve came over to your side. 'You alright?' He checked your head for a bump.
'Yeah, I'm fine' forgetting you had just downed three shots prior to Steve finding you.
Steve could smell the alcohol on you. 'Have you been drinking?'
'I... uh... yeah...' You couldn't bring yourself to lie to Steve, you liked him a lot, he was always there for you, when you first came looking for the Avengers because you had been kicked out of school and your parents didn't want to keep you since you were 'weird' as the put it.
Steve grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. 'What's going on?'
Placing the ice pack on my head. 'Thank you, I don't really want to talk about it, I'm fine'
'You we're looking for Tony's stash weren't you?'
'I mean yeah, Steve I think we should talk tomorrow'
He wasn't having it. 'No y/n, what's going on?'
I burst out into tears into his shoulder, dropping the ice pack to the ground. 'Steve, it's this power of mine, it doesn't shut off, the only way it goes away is when I drink' I was still sobbing into his tear soaked shirt.
'Hey, it's okay' Steve pulled me away from him so he could look me in the eyes, wiping the tears away. 'We're a team y/n, we take care of each other, I'll take care of you' Steve's big arms wrap around your tiny frame, kissing your head, you were taken back by his forwardness.
'Steve...' You stuttered out.
'Shh y/n, it's okay'

You pulled away from him, watching his eyes dart back and forth watching you, that's when you knew he had feelings for you, you could hear a faint voice in your head projecting out loudly so you could hear it through all the dulling you had done tonight, you felt love coarse through your body and then your lips touched, you had no idea you were leaning in for a kiss until your lips were on his, not that he was complaining, his hand laced through your hair while the other held you close.

Your head rested on his forehead, feeling more drunk on love then you could ever achieve drinking. 'Steve why didn't you tell me you felt this way?'
'I figured you knew, being a telepath and all'
'I try to not read the minds of my team mates, besides drinking dulls the feelings, I've been drunk a lot since I've become an Avenger'
'Embrace your powers y/n, control it, don't let it consume you'
You hugged him again. 'Thank you Steve'
'I guess things will change now huh?'
'Yeah' You smiled against his chest, squeezing tighter around his waist.

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