The Manberg Rebellion

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        Wilbur, President of L'amanburg, decided to hold an election since there was no vote giving him his leadership. Four parties were then created. Pog2020 with Wilbur and Tommy, Swag2020 with Quackity and GeorgeNotFound, Coconut2020 with Niki and Fundy, and Schlatt2020 with JSchlatt running solo. A vote was held on Twitter to have viewers determine the outcome. Pog2020 ended up having the most votes, but before the election started, Quackity made a deal with Schlatt saying that if neither of them were the victors, they would combine their votes. As a result, both parties combined votes so that JSchlatt was voted the new President of L'amanburg, with Quackity as his Vice President. Immediately JSchlatt made his first decree to revoke the citizenship of WilburSoot and TommyInnit.

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