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As Jack's usual day stars and ends, he goes to work and goes home to see nothing had changed, or did it?Anyways, after Jack had finished work, he was completely overworked, tired and wanted a ton of sleep, and I gotta admit, staying in a Freddy suit for 6 hours does not sound fun. After he had said bye to his phone-headed boss, he walked home and nothing had seemed perculiar at this moment of time. Usually, at this sort of moment, he'd think about what he'd eat for dinner (or if he would actually eat at all), his job and probably if he wanted to wake up early or not, etc,etc. Typically, he wouldn't ever be interrupted in this moment, but, this time, it did. He felt a cold breeze pass by him, he had felt it but the source of the mysterious breeze was nowhere to be found. He looked in all sorts of directions, but, alas, he couldn't find where the breeze had come from and it wasn't even that windy too. After Jack had his suspicions, he shrugged it off and continued to walk home as if nothing happened - this, perhaps, was Jack's biggest mistake to not investigate it further, you'll find out later on (it's not actually that bad I made it to be, dw, i promise-).

When he finally got home, he jumped on his couch and landed with a big plop and just thought about sleeping after work since he was so tired. He made something instead to eat for dinner and so he did and then had went to sleep. Then, he got that odd feeling again. What's going on? Was he being watched? Was he not alone? These sorts of questions kept popping up in his mind that he actually went to look around the whole house, but, to no avail, he couldn't find anything or anyone. At this point in time, he gave up, it was so late; why would anyone be up at this time, and especially, at Jack's house. Giving up on searching his whole place for about 5 times in a row, he went inside, walked up to his room (with caution I may add) and went to sleep as fast as anyone could.

The next day, he woke up early, he kinda wished he could've woken up late on accident but he couldn't fall back to sleep for some odd reason. That's when the realisation struck him (directly and head first), the events of yesterday flooded his mind and he couldn't stop thinking about them, no matter how hard he tried, it was unavoidable. Instead of trying to make himself sleep more, he just got dressed, had breakfast and went to work, but quite early, as you can probably tell, Jack wasn't having such a good time here, he had to go to work and with the addition of a stalker, who could it be you ask? Just carry on reading and find out 😳😳 (and by this book's name, you can already guess yayyy).

Jack miserably entered work early and his phone-headed boss was glad to see him since they needed to prepare a kid's birthday party and the decorations and animatronic business were all his to deal with (damn I feel bad for Jack already), he practically fell to the ground, on his knees, in disbelief that he actually had to do something that he normally wouldn't do, after a while, he'd accepted fate and began working on the decorations and as well as practicing his routine for the kid's birthday. Then, a purple man popped into the tangerine's peripheral vision: "hello old sport!" the aubergine said aloud, "morning dave..". "What's wrong old sport? Something wrong? Ya need any help with anything?" "Sure dave! Help would be greatly appreciated by now! Mind helping me with the decorations for one of the kid's birthdays?" "Happy to help, old sport!" So now, Dave and Jack were setting up the kid's decor for their birthday. This was the first time Jack had had any sort of fun in a while since he was busy being in a suit, entertaining children all day, this time it was different, they practically teased each other the whole time, and it also consisted of Dave making cheesy pick up lines to Jack (and of which their boss overheard and cringed over. After they had finished, they both fell to the floor, one back resting in another, both facing outwards and sighed; and after, looked each other in the eyes and laughed. Jack had never remembered such a vivid moment he had in his life, especially with Dave, he never knew Dave could be so fun and one of the closest people he was with at work, it somehow works. At the end of their shift, they said goodbye to each other and they both went their opposite ways.

There it was. That are strange feeling that Jack felt as if he wasn't alone anymore, he started to walk even faster than before , looking behind him every few seconds to make sure no one was following him home.
He was as cautious as ever and decided to look around his home several times later when it had gotten late, just to make sure he really wasn't being watched. Little did he know, he had kissed a very small detail when investigation the weird sensations he felt.

Jack finally had gotten home and it was quite late, he went inside, got changed, ate his dinner and then went to look outside. The moment he looked to his right, he was immediately greeted by the purple man; this time however, his clothes were very disheveled, he had a bunch of snacks surrounding him, and even a camera (I mean, wow, just wow). All in all, Jack had been shocked at first but then again, had a feeling that the purple man was behind all this. He promptly woke him up and Dave had flinched so hard, he might've hit the window on accident, causing it to crack a slight bit. Dave was quite petrified at the action he just did and looked at Old Sport, you could tell his eyes weren't lying and that he looked even more miserable than before but just sighed, he wanted to shrug off Dave's accidents to get some intern on why he was being followed. Jack asked Dave why he was stalking him and the aubergine replied with: "oh, it's not really a big reason I'd say, I was just worried about you yesterday since you looked over worked, I wanted to assist you throughout the day but you still hadn't even asked for help until yesterday, so I stalked to see if you were ok, that cold breeze you felt, may have been me passing but too close for comfort for you." "Then how do you explain watching me through as window watching TV? "Oh, that, I just wanted to watch the new things you watched so we could talk about them the next day" after Jack had heard that sentence, he decided his motives were quite pure (in which I don't imagine to be a lot) and he didn't really interrupt anything really. After making that point about Dave, he just looked at him at aww, "why don't you come in? You look terrible, go get a shower and I guess you can wear some of my clothes." Jack sighed after saying that sentence and as Dave had heard this, his eyes lit up and went around Jack's entire house and had finished doing the stuff he needed to do as fast as he could in a heart beat. "Hey Dave, why don't you eat with me?" "Ha, no thanks old sport, I'm pretty chuffed if you ask me-" and at that moment, Dave's tummy demanded food inside his system already and then ate with the orange man, having occasional conversations time and time again when speaking whenever they could. I will admit, they did have fun and so it was now time to sleep. Jack went up to his room and Dave "slept" on the couch. "Night dave" "Night Old sport"

As Jack fell asleep as quick as he could, Dave sneakily went upstairs and went to Jack's room. He opened the door and let himself in, he saw his cute Jack was when he was sleeping, he dazed at Jack's physically features for a few minutes and snapped himself out of his trance. He then tip/toed his way over, next to Jack and slid himself in right next to the empty spot where Jack had left and rolled over. As gently as he could, not to interrupt his sleep, Dave warlord his arms around Jack and cuddled him tightly. "Goodnight Old Sport".

Goshhh I'm so tired, I really just wrote out a fanfic when I'm in the verge of passing out and sleeping woo. Ngl, I don't think I did as well compared with the previous stories' plot, I think I may have repeated myself a couple of times, Whoopsies. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this (sorry but I don't think it's as good as I did the other ones, but I'll leave it here anyways :])

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