Love at first sight

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*insert aggressive table slam here* Dave slightly awoke from said table slam and then he felt several more table slams accompanied by the first. The ourple man finally takes his head off of the table and glances up, face to face with his phone-headed boss, he stares at him with a blank expression and waits for his scolding, and so the scolding came and left, just as usual. Dave was quite used to it by now and expected nothing more and nothing less of it, to be honest, he's just had quite enough of the pizzeria in it's entirety, he's already been through enough suffering to begin with.

Since the moment Dave was born, his life had been a living hell, and I mean a living hell. He was cast out of an orphanage and abandoned by his parents, having purple skin made him unappealing to people who were willing to adopt, in addition with being born in the 50s in New York - it was such a tough life. Furthermore, he was raised by Henry Miller, the worst of the worst influences on Dave, which then lead to him working with Henry and therefore, becoming the person he is today which is a serial killer, and now a criminal who's being forced to work in a sad pizzeria ever since he signed the contract, of course, still killing kiddins since he believed it was how the pizzeria would shut down, and you know it wouldn't ever shut down. When Henry had died, he was completely alone, by himself, deprived of everything: love, affection, you name it, he was just a husk of no remorse for his actions and just accepted his fate of being (and practically) forever alone.

However, Dave's life had finally began to have a glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel - all thanks to an orange man.

Again, Dave fell back to sleep, on his desk, on the table, wherever, for a whole day but did somehow be awake for this specific type of news: there was going to be a new recruit in the pizzeria. (Surprisingly) Dave had finally gotten back to his senses and woke up abruptly and began to think of this newbie. Naturally, the pizzeria never got recruits often and so, Dave was intrigued with this information, but did have his doubts since most people (when they would start to work at a place like the pizzeria), would eventually come to hate the place and try to leave, and it was futile since they couldn't ever back out. Now, Dave had completely lost all interest in this newbie and afterwards, just put his head back on the desk again. He thought that, he might as well "look his best for when the newbie was to arrive at this place, and by best, I mean that he'll just wear the same old suit he wore everyday.

By now, the day had almost finished and Dave hastened to the safe room and sat there, once again thinking of the mysterious newbie. "Who does this newcomer think they are? Choosing to work in a dump like this.. they must be crazy." thought Dave, and crazy the newcomer was to be..

New day, same old job Dave thought to himself as he woke up, yawned and stretched, you know, the usual routine, in a saferoom, full of animatronics, alone, right? Anyways, Dave immediately knew that today was the day the new employee would arrive at the pizzeria, Dave quickly and carefully made himself (questionably) presentable and came quite early for the event at hand and was ready to socialise for with the new guy.

He waited, waited, and waited, he went from standing to the entrance, to leaning against a pole, to now, putting his head on the desk, again, but he did try his best not to fall asleep at least. After about an hour or two of waiting for the newcomer to arrive, he did. When Dave heard the double doors swing open, his eyes were greeted with the sight of an orange man, orange in all his glory, especially with the rising sun, it made him shine like some sort of angel or prophet thing (which is practically the opposite of what he was but nevermind the irony). The orange man's appearance consisted of his soulless eyes, his rotting orange peel skin, a sort of good enough suit and a grin everybody can say no to - except Dave. He was captivated with his so called look, turns out, love at first sight does exist! The lean monster was absolutely head over heels for this guy. He (without a second thought) approached both his boss and the new employee with a smile no one in that pizzeria had seen ever since he started working at the pizzeria. He was now waiting for the "right" time to "politely" interrupt the conversation with the orange man and his phone boss: as you can tell, it wouldn't take like for the purple man the intervene. Dave couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore and blurred out what seemed to be a hundred questions in about 30 seconds or less (which maybe could be like a new world record or smth, uhh, back to the story). Both his boss and the new employee stood there silently and looked at Dave, silence ensued and his boss caught on that Dave would like to spend some time with the newbie and promptly left the two, alone, so they could bond together, I guess. "So, how'd you find the place so far?" Dave asked, "It's not that bad really, I mean it is better than having just no job at all or working at a crusty McDonald's" (no offense McDonald's) Jack replied and slightly chuckled. Dave heard this slight chuckle from the new employee and stared the employee with a face of pure awe and then a face which turned into a kettle and then immediately exploded, he was completely in love with this guy, there was no going back now. Dave was stuck in this position for a solid 2 minutes and then regained his consciousness again, he then inspected the man, looking up and down at his body, he noticed the badge he was wearing, he gently lifted the badge he wore and looked closer at it "Jack Kennedy, huh? Funny name" Dave said while his head was still in recovery mode when he heard the guy chuckle. "Oh, uh, thanks, I guess I'll take that as a compliment" replied Jack. Then, of course, silence ensued once again and Dave broke this silence and blurted out "well, see you around Old sport!" and quickly ran away from him, continuing feel heat across his entire face and began sweating profusely, and went back to his saferoom and slammed his door shut. "Old Sport..? Really..?" Jack questioned while he was let alone, "Hm, alright, I guess I'll just roll with it, what weird guy".

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