The picnic

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"A picnic? How could I ever refuse that offer, Old sport?" Dave replied to Jack's offer. "Then it's settled, tomorrow after work, 'kay?". Jack couldn't believe it, he had finally made a move on Dave, and that took more courage and will than he could imagine, he tried to hide how fast his heart was beating, it was beating out of his chest, you could probably hear his heartbeats from a mile away. After said move was done, he ran as fast as he could; away from the purple man, holding his chest and panting until he had finally caught his breath, then, had went home with a big grin on his face, at last, he had actually done something, maybe his love life wasn't dead after all.

Once Dave had accepted to go to the orange man's picnic, he was absolutely ecstatic. Oh, I also must mention that Jack was cooking for the picnic, what luck! Dave got to hang out with Jack and more or less try his cooking! He also found it unusual for Jack to make the first move, but of course, he didn't mind. Dave thought about Jack's (I guess) pre-confession of asking him to go to a picnic in his homey saferoom and the kiddin murder was rolling in circles like a teenager in high school, obsessed with her first crush. He held Jack's animatronic mask close to his chest and held it tightly, denting it almost, pretend it's a pillow he was squeezing. His face? Red hot. His stomach? Full of butterflies, more than he had ever had in his lifetime, honestly, Jack should be feeling more nervous than Dave since he was preparing the hole thing but somehow, Dave's nervousness was through the roof and is sky rocketing. He kept imagining Jack's face as he spoke, his (somehow) cute, soulless eyes looking into the lean monster's soul, his muster in trying to form a single sentence, it was just oh so adorable for the aubergine - needless to say, it wasn't just a crush, it was love.

The following day at work went surprisingly fast, probably because Jack and Dave worked harder than they did ever before and managed to finish all their tasks early, making more time for the picnic. Dave had practically dreamed for Jack to take the first move and it happened, he was now just daydreaming of the things that could happen soon, it wasn't long until the picnic. On the other hand, Jack had to go home and had to prepare and pack the food he made (and that he learned to cook the day before), and go back to the pizzeria since it was where both the pixel men would meet. You could tell Jack had a bunch of things on his plate and Dave was mindlessly day dreaming away. Poor Jack-

Moving on, Jack had just barely made it to the pizzeria on time and was exhausted to the pint of collapse. He held his knees with his hands and leaned forward, almost falling, but thanks to the aubergine man, he was caught in the lean monster's arms. Jack was utterly in shock but like a good shock, he was utterly head over heels for this man. The orange man quickly stood up and thanked Dave for catching him, Jack really couldn't imagine the events unfolding as of now to be real, it felt surreal. Now, onwards to the part you guys were looking to read!

The soon-to-be-lovers had finally arrived to a nearby park, which was scarcely filled with people and of course, chose a section of the park that was empty and under a tree. Jack carefully set up the picnic, laying food and everything out, all for Dave and him. Dave was completely in awe st how much Jack had cooked for just the two of them, including desserts, he felt his mouth water but waited patiently until he was finished  setting things up. Both pixel men say down and began eating, Jack waited for Dave to take the first bite of his cooking and saw Dave's face light up with joy, it was delicious! After Dave had taken the first bite, Jack would start eating his food also, savouring every bite of it with Dave and cherishing his every reaction to his work of art, or should I say food of fame? (Uh sorry, idk, I'm terrible with making jokes so late at night, I'm so cringe-). While eating, Jack unexpectedly started ranting about Phoney, his hot and sweaty animatronic suit, and kids throwing food at people and at the robots. It was mostly Jack ranting about his work, Dave sat there and listened in silence while devouring Jack's food like a vacuum cleaner, not wanting to interrupt his big rant, he stopped eating for a second and rested his hand under his chin, staring at Jack's face and listening to every word he spoke, you could tell by Dave's gaze that he knew Jack was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

After a while of talking and Dave laughing with Jack, it was getting late, and unsurprisingly, all the food was gone and all was left was empty plates and cups. Just now they had noticed most people were gone and the park was desolate, no nearby sound could be heard. Dave smirked and swiftly, pinned Jack to the picnic blanket: "you know Old Sport", Dave lovingly spoke , "you have no idea how much I love you", "Wait wha- " Jack was immediately interrupted by Dave pressing his lips onto the tangerine's, Jack openly accepted said lip pressing with open arms and kissed back - even pulling him closer (wink wink). What seemed to be a short second, lasted a long time for the two pixel men, sadly, this moment had to end and Dave pulled away, still secretly wanting that kiss to last a little longer, did they seriously not know what oxygen is-? Anyways, besides the point, both men were gasping for air, Jack's cheeks were completely filled to the brim with redness, quickly turning away, and Dave continued to stare at the tangerine's flushed face. When Dave finally caught his breath, he had this to say to his tangerine: "just wanna say this again to ya, I love you. Genuinely, to the first time I ever saw you walk into that pizzeria and right now, from the bottom of my heart, I just wanna say that I also admire you so, so much, more than you can imagine, Old Sport". Jack chuckled and grinned at the lean man: "back at ya, aubergine man". Both men paused and then laughed their lungs out as the sun set and walked back to Jack's house, where Dave would stay for the night, things got spicy that day. (Insert Lenny face here)

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