Fortunate accidents

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"Jeez! This weather hates me more than myself!" shouts Jack as he finally arrives at the pizzeria, late. He quickly closes the doubles doors as to avoid water getting in and turns to see his phone-headed boss, "I uh can explain!".

•Flashback to Jack's terrible decision making•

Jack woke up as usual and checked his phone, he "checked" the weather forecast and he thought that it was going to be sunny today. He smiled and had fully gotten up and was awake, he got changed and was not ready for work. Additionally, as he had seemed to think that the day was clear and dry, he didn't bring his car, coat or umbrella and decided to walk all the way there - man, what a bad idea. At first, as he first started walking out, it was actually quite clear, you could see absolutely no clouds in the sky and the sun was as bright as ever. Since he woke up quite early, he took a trip to the nearest McDonald's and had breakfast there, when he'd finished devouring his food, he walked out and saw his demise: rain, wind and thunder. Oh boy, this was a terrible start to the day huh.

•End of said unfortunate flashback•

"So, that's what" Jack sneezed, "happened.." he explained and his boss wasn't happy with his excuse. Instead, his phone-headed boss made a point against said orange man and had to talk about the time missed a whole week of work, yes, a whole week because of his "reasons" he never got to make, hence, Jack had to stay and work at the pizzeria today to make up for the time he had missed last week. As you can imagine, Jack was now sick and miserable, honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if things here got worse he ok out but, it turned out not the be the case. The aubergine overheard his boss's and the orange's conversation and Dave decided to take the initiative and look after Jack for the day. "How thoughtful" Jack thought, "I guess he doesn't always think about himself". And as the lean monster said, he would take care of Jack until his shift ended.

The aubergine man followed him anywhere and everywhere all day, he helped him with the suits, with the children (feeding them, not killing them, yet), with cleaning up the pizzeria, man was he such a cool homie to be around, all while making conversation with the tangerine man. He even made sure that any hazards would be avoided and made sure not let Jack get hurt, or when he sneezed or coughed, he was there for his every need, he was practically like Jack's personal assistant. Jack did enjoy the attention and Dave also quite liked the orange man's company with him all day. Truth be told, Jack did have feelings for the unlikely aubergine man but was quite paranoid that he hadn't actually liked him back, after all, they were just friends in his eyes and nothing more.

After the dayshift was finished, Jack's working hours of suffering had ended for the day, he was so exhausted that he decided to wait and sit down for a moment and would then resolve to waiting until the weather got better since he didn't prepare properly. Surprisingly, Dave chose to stay with Jack as well, just as company for him. During the day, his phone-headed boss did feel some remorse for making him work the shift and just let the two men do their thing and be there for eachother - even despite how untrustworthy they are, he let them off the hook and told them to just lock the pizzeria when they would both leave. And with that, Phone man left.

Two guys, alone in a pizzeria, being bros. What more could happen? A lot actually. Without any warning, Dave pulled a blanket from out of nowhere and put the blanket around Jack, then, the lean man got behind the tangerine man and hugged him. This made Jack both warm inside and outside and (tried to) calmly accept the gesture before blurting out his feelings to him, even if those feelings were immense, he should hide it, or should he? Nah, he waited for the "right moment" to strike, and it was at this very moment, but should he? What if his feelings ruined the already great friendship they had? What if he didn't feel the same? Things got awfully awkward and quiet. Jack needed to make this situation un-awkward and so he did the unanticipated thing of speaking absolute gibberish to him and ranting about meaningless thoughts he had once in while - out of being flustered - knowing full well, that at the back of his head, Jack thinking about how Dave felt towards him was a "meaningless" thought he had, and accidentally, revealed his feelings towards Dave. Way to go Jack. The orange man swiftly covered his mouth in shame and looked down at the floor, this is it, this was the end of Jack Kennedy and his crush on the aubergine man.


Dave heard said accidental confession and held the tangerine man tighter, immediately replying with "I feel the same too".  That was fast. Not too fast for Jack's liking though, that's what he yearned to hear. Jack was completely elated and felt his cheeks warm up once more. When those feelings were ultimately shared, they actually hadn't moved from that exact spot. It did eventually get a bit awkward but Jack was warm and getting better nonetheless, and the two homiesexuals watched the rain pour as their love for each other grew with every drop of rain.

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