A date?

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A/N: Hiiii just wanna say thank you guys for 100 reads, I really wasn't expecting this amount of people to read my late night scenarios of davesport (and ngl I'm not complaining 😉) but anyways, hope you enjoy this, I practically have some more ideas but since exams are getting really close, I actually might not update this after another story I'll do after this one and it might be a while but I am alive (for now), enjoy the story!

Working at Fazbenders, you could practically tell how much of a hell hole it is and how both Jack and Dave suffered having to work there. Jack would be in a big suit of metal getting burned and Dave just (idk imma make up smth here) feeding kids the pizza he made (and I doubt that it's clean or sanitary), you can tell that they really needed a break, so, Dave asks Jack on a date. Yeah, you heard me right, a date with Dave, couldn't be bad right? Y'know, ever since they've confessed to each other, they have glanced at each other left, right and centre, always getting each other's eye contact every time and especially, blushing, two madly in love lovebirds, what a surprise, really. When Dave had actually asked Jack on that date, after work I may add, he accepted, and the tangerine man tugged at the aubergine's shirt and hugged him really tightly. This was going to be the first date they've both been on, and you know where? A fancy restaurant at Vegas.

(Oh and I guess I must also mention that they skipped a work day to go to this date but of course, you probably know that, moving onn)

Insert a time skip effect here

This sorta felt surreal between Jack and Dave, both of them going on a date, in Vegas, in a big and fancy restaurant, it was both of the men's dream come true, probably more for Dave I guess and so they met each other and Dave did the honour of driving to Jack's house and then going to Vegas from there. When Jack had taken a step out of his house and locked his door, he walked towards Dave, in a (surprisingly) stunning suit that Dave had bought earlier for Jack, it was a silky purple suit with some darker tones on the side and had an orange pocket square, in addition with the black trousers and some shiny and swagger looking shoes (idk I can think of anything to describe them, man I need to try writing a story not late at night). Dave looked in awe at his tangerine, all dressed up and matching Dave but with reverse colour so like Jack had a purple suit and Dave had an orange suit, you get the point. Now, all that was left is to get to Vegas.

Insert another time skip thing here

After the long-ish trip the rotting corpses had, Dave stepped out of the car and went over to the other side of the car where Jack was sitting. As Jack was about to open the car door, he felt his hand touch air and turned around to see Dave grab his hand and pull him out of the car, "old sport, what are you looking at? Uh anyways, lets's go, we're gonna be late for our reservation!", "what?! I thought we were just on time?", "and are about to lose our table, let's go orange man!". And with that, they salent to the fanciest restaurant in Vegas, don't ask how Dave could afford it.

Inside the big building, it was a beautiful in the inside as it was out, the whole placed with decked with all these fancy decorations with red silk on the walls, massive, marble pillars and all that jazz. You can imagine the look on their face's especially Jack's. "How did you afford this Dave? It looks like a ballroom for eating?", "now, now, old sport, let's not think about that right now, let's dig into the food already!", and by then, they were stuffing an abundant amount of food into their mouth holes, everyone was practically staring at them for the amount of noise they had made but since they had worked at Fazbenders, I wouldn't be surprised, the food there isn't probably good for consuming so now was the time to make up for that. Not even an hour later, they were absolute stuffed to the brim "man, that food was real good, right sportsy?", "Dave, I feel as if I might explode, come to think of it, why'd we just stuff our faces of food without  thinking first?", "didn't you hear me old sport? I said it was a competition to see who could eat all their food first and we both had a lot of food and so, yea". "Dave, why didn't you stop me?", "well, it's cuz I find you cute when you're eating and enjoying yourself", "you could've said that better but thanks anyways, I had a great time tonight dave" he said with a calming tone but probably forced since he ate so much. "Glad you had fun old sport, now, let's go home."

I uh forgot to add this in and went against the previous idea I planned so I'll put it here instead

As they sat and ate at a moderate pace (before Dave suggestion to have a good competition), Dave broke the silence, "so how's you come to like me anyways?", Jack spat out his drink accidentally and wiped his mouth afterward, pretending that had never happened. "You ok there old sport?", "I'm fine Dave, and, to answer that question of yours", he continued with a bright tone of voice "it's that time where I picked up some cake off the floor one the kids threw and I saw you, since we were so close and I didn't realise the situation at that point after a few seconds, I just looked into your eyes and I just, I felt, I don't know, I just sorta liked you when I first saw you", when Jack said this, he looked away blushing out of embarrassment or out of love, I wouldn't be able to tell really. When Dave heard this, he laughed the hardest he ever could and did so for a few minutes before calming himself down, this reaction of Dave's made Jack turn into a more of a tomato than a tangerine and he covered his face. "You fell for me when we picked up a piece of cake at the same time?" Dave continues to laugh manically, "shut up!" Jack shouted at Dave, "you know, you're quite cute when you're flustered" and so Dave took his chance and kissed a tomatoed- Jack on the lips, he became more than a tomato but a burnt one at that. After their lips parted ways, Dave once again initiated the scene afterwards: "I love you, my precious tangerine, with my whole heart", "I love you too; with the whole of my metaphorical heart".

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