Just a little push

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At Fazbender's Pizzeria, things were oddly lively than ever, ever since Jack Kennedy had arrived; Dave looked as if he had finally gained some sort of feeling again, but for the most part, I guess you can tell what feeling he was overwhelmed with for a certain orange man.

As Jack and Dave would continue with such antics no one could ever think of, the whole of the pizzeria was very oblivious about their relationship or "relationship" as they'd like to call it. The people (as they like to call it) responsible for monitoring their relationship would be Dee, Phoney (Peter) and Matt (somehow), they absolutely wanted to see their relationship blossom throughout the pizzeria, probably so that it would be so dead 90% of the time. So, it was agreed. The three of them set off the make the ship sail, aka Operation Davesport, get it?

At this point in time, the tangerine and aubergine man were comfortably close to each other but not too close for comfort since Dave was sort of a creep at times, considering he did have cameras placed in Jack's room (but of couse, no one knows that) and really; he would just try to be around him; possibly 24/7 but who knows... Anyways, focusing on getting them together, the three had previously planned to make their relationship public (in the pizzeria), practically every staff member in the place knew they were together all the time and they were never really seen apart, also due to Dave lurking around Jack all the time, but it for most of it, they were stuck to eachother like glue, so they went with phase 1: shouting implicative things at the soon-to-be couple.

"Get a room!" or "just kiss already!" can be heard by the entire pizzeria throughout the day by the Davesport operatives (of course, teasing was also another other option), "jeez, won't this will they, wont they relationship just happen already?!" is what the operatives thought but still, to no avail, nothing really happened apart from a little blush from Jack over there or Dave sizzling and his face heating up over here. It wasn't working and just made their faces burn up and get some silly (and cute) speeches from the two, trying to say things that didn't even seem like words but it did sound as if they were both denying the "allegations", they both knew what they wanted and the operation was still a go, so phase 2: gotta leave 'em alone, maybe, leaving them alone (probably what they should've done in the first place) was a good idea, so they left them alone.. or did they?

A day had passed and so phase 2 was in motion, most staff had greeted eachother with good mornings and good nights and so on, but of course, who would bet eh last ones to arrive? Dave and Jack, together. The staff literally should be singing "dave and jack, sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g", it was impossible ignore how they acted around each other, you probably hear everyone's thoughts already: "get together!" or "just kiss; jeeez". So instead of sort of mental implications or just shouting random things to make them embarrassed, Dee came up with a plan to give them a little push, physically. As the day continued, Dee waited for the right time to push. When Dave and Jack were seen walking towards the kitchen, Dee sneaked up behind Dave and.. she sorta missed and pushes Dave to the floor instead.. whoopsies, I mean, at least Jack could look after him when he was hurt but Dee felt the atmosphere become dense and Jack had this ominous aura around him, he quickly looked at Dee but she had ran out just after Dave fell, Jack sighed and continued with the rest of his day. I would also like the mention, Peter did have a bad feeling about this and he was right, he managed to console Dee and so, phase 3 was finally now in place: giving them a bigger push with persuasion, if they weren't able to know how each of them felt, they'd have absolutely no courage to tell each other how they felt, so they needed some security first and a little chit-chat with the operatives: Dave was with Peter (hesitantly, he lost to Dee in rock, paper, scissors 3-5) and Jack was going to be with Dee for the chat, and so it was settled, oh and btw; Matt did sit this one out since he was aware of how both Jack and Dave found him extremely creepy and so Matt opted out of this one and decided to continue to watch afar.

Another day of planning had went by, this was it, Davesport: the finale, the tie breaker, the decider of this operation. As soon as they both stepped foot in the pizzeria, Dee hooked Jack by the arm and ran away with him, while Peter just asked Dave to follow him. Yes, both the lean monster and tangerine were suspicious but didn't bother to ask since they were on each others minds (how sweet I know, and very cliche-). Once the pairs were alone, they were both asked how they felt about the other: Dave had obviously answered with strong feelings towards Jack but was (somehow) aware of his creepy actions, afraid that Jack wouldn't accept his feelings and brush it off, Jack was also (somehow) scared that Dave didn't love him back, he was amazingly oblivious with Dave's actions, how? I have no clue, but either way, they felt the same, so both Peter and Dee planned beforehand that they both would speak their mind and feelings to one another, but it needed some encouragement and assuring. Both Dee and Peter said that the other felt the same and that they had nothing to worry about but it still wasn't enough, so they talked to them about the facts. For as long as they've known the pair of orange and purple, they do everything together, not leaving one behind or they go down together if it gets worse, they ask them about the times they had together and they finally made a decision, it was time to show their true feelings, and so, Dave made the first move.

The lean man had finally acted normal for once (or, well, almost) and asked the tangerine to meet with him at the centre of the pizzeria, Jack accepted and so, all eyes were on then - the couple everyone waited for. Dave gently took Jack's hand and led him to the centre and held both of his hands tightly, Dave took a deep breath and said the words: "old sport, I'm not sure if you know this, but I've been quite crazy for you for God knows how long, and I really want you to know that I do truly love-" with this, Jack quickly interrupted Dave with a sudden kiss and Dave could be seen as being as hot as an oven and possible over heating. "I love you too, aubergine" and then proceeded to kiss the aubergine man all over his face, with one final kiss to his lips, pretty sure Dave wasn't the same after this, he was almost an entire sculpture. Every cheered, whooped and clapped at this occasion; the tangerine and aubergine went for another kiss, one that was definitely lasting. Dee, Peter and Matt fist bumped each other: "Operation Davesport is a success!".

A/N: wow I guess I was gone for quite some time but now I'm back! Woohoo! I also just finished exams a week ago and I'm feeling pretty good to be back on the davesport grind, I just thought of this idea today and finally had motivation to do this (and this was, of course with a twist and isn't as accurate with dsaf lore and stuff but I guess it looked better in my head), but anyways, expect more stories to come, I have plenty of ideas but not sure how to execute them but I will eventually do them somehow! And also, thank you to the people who read these stories, it means so much to me! I hope you enjoyed this one! :D

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