The return home. {1}

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A young girl sat in her room staring out the window up at the star covered skies. With a small smile as she drew lines between the stars creating the different constellations. Her blue and gold eyes glittered with awe at the sight of the sky. She jumped hearing a small chuckle behind her and turned to see one of her care takers Paladin, the older man was leaning against the door frame with a soft grin on his face.

"Now Trix, I'm certain that Andraste, put you to sleep three hours ago."

Trix pouted as she flopped back down onto her bed "I'm not tired." She explained in hopes that Paladin would let her stay awake. The man laughed softly again shaking his head moving his shoulder length blonde hair with the movement.

"Tricky, you need sleep, you have training tomorrow." Paladin explained as he moved into the room kneeling next to her bed. Moving some of her black hair out of her face, he watched as Trix's face lit up at the idea of her training making Paladin smile. "Will you go to sleep now?" Trix nodded and crawled back into her bed with an excited look on her face. Paladin shook his head and kissed her forehead "good night Tricky, sleep well."

Trix nodded and yawned "Good night, Din,"

Once the girl was sound asleep, she began to dream. Not of nice things that other eight-year-old would but of fires and screaming and a faint smell of blood. Being carried away by something dark as night with glowing green eyes and someone  who smelt of pipe weed and old books. Watching as a valley burned with people running though the smoke and a diadem, copper, and quartz with a crescent moon on its side in the center.


Trix jerked awake, breathing heavily she hated that dream.

Running a hand through her sweat drenched black hair, looking at the clock next to her bed, 5:37AM.

Trix sighed and laid back down staring at her ceiling that had a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to it, she smiled remembering when she put them there.

Getting out of bed, Trix moved silently to the bathroom attached to her room and turned on the shower.

Trix knew she wasn't from this world that she lived in, her care takers, Paladin and Andraste had told her that when she was young. Specifically, after a day at school where she saw a ghost and screamed so loud, she broke a window.

After that day they started to train her in sword fighting and all sorts of strange things, like potion brewing and how to use magic that turned out to flow through her veins. 

They also started to teach her about the world she came from a place called middle earth. 

They had always told her that one day once she was ready. She would go back and protect people. And something deep inside her told her, that is was soon that she would be going home. Sure, it was a place that Trix had few memories of, and she liked the world she lived in now, but it wasn't quite right, it wasn't home.

Once Trix had showered and gotten dressed in a pair of black jeans and plain red tank top. She moved downstairs pulling her wavey waist-length hair into a ponytail. When she got to the kitchen she smiled at Paladin and Andraste, who were both awake and talking to each other.

"Morning guys"

Andraste smiled while Paladin waved at the black-haired girl.

"morning Tricky, are you ready for your test today?" Andraste asked as she sipped her tea.

Trix hummed in response as she made her own tea, it was a special blend that Andraste had shown her how to make when she was a kid,

"I think so," she turned around as she left tea steeping "you never did tell me what this test is about."

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