Companions and Angry Wizards. {10}

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The ride the next day was far less fun. It was raining heavily.

Trix didn't mind she actually loved the rain. It was very relaxing to her. Even when she was getting soaked. Much of the water was kept off by her coat and hood. But she was still getting wet.

She wasn't riding in her usual spot next to Kili and Fili. Still upset from the night before and needing some time alone. Instead, she was next to Bilbo. The hobbit could see she was still lost in memories so didn't bother her.

"Eh, Mister Gandalf can't you do something about this deluge?" Dori called out to Gandalf.

Gandalf looked back "It is raining master Dwarf. And it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard."

Trix chuckled at that.

"Are there any?" Bilbo asked Gandalf.


"Other Wizards." Bilbo Clarified.

"There are five of us." Gandalf explained, "The greatest off our order is Saruman the white. Then there are the two blue wizards," Gandalf paused looking back, "You know I've quiet forgotten their names."

Trix spoke for the first time that day, "Paladin and Andraste," She supplied.

Gandalf turned "Oh yes, Thank you Trix."

She simply nodded.

"And who is the fifth?" Bilbo asked,

"Well, that would be Radagast, The brown."

Trix smiled as she thought of Radagast. He was a strange Wizard. But friendly and he much like Trix had a special relationship with the forests around him.

"Is he a great wizard or is he more like you?"

Trix snorted in surprised at Bilbo's comment.

Gandalf glared at Trix and sent a look to Bilbo "I think he is a very great wizard. In his own way." Gandalf turned to the front again "He's a gentle soul preferring the company of animals to others. He keeps a watchful eye over the vast forestlands to the east. And a good thing to, for always evil will look to find a foothold in this world."

Trix clicked her teeth and Aasimar speed up, matching pace with Gandalf.

"How is Radagast these days? I haven't seen nor heard from him in a while."

Gandalf shrugged, "You know better than most how he gets. But as far as I am aware he is well."

Trix nodded and said nothing more.

Gandalf chuckled, "Paladin and Andraste are also well."

Trix smiled "I miss them."

Gandalf hummed, "I understand." He glanced at Trix, "Have you seen anything more."

Trix shook her head, "Nothing of consequence." She glanced around. Something felt off but she wasn't sure what.

Well until her vial began to pulse.

Trix glanced down and smiled. Excitement burning in her veins.

"Gandalf. Look."

Gandalf looked and saw that her vial had changed to glow softly red.

Gandalf looked at Trix shocked and happy, "Well?" He chuckled, "Go find them."

Trix grinned and jumped off of Aasimar. The horse snorted but kept pace next to Gandalf. Trix wandered into the woods surrounding them. Her companion was close.

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