Beasts and Dwarves {3}

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Trix sat in the tavern. Sipping calmly from her tankard of ale. She was listening to stories of a monster near the fells of the Blue mountains.

"Tell me Master Merchant."

Her voice was smooth like velvet over the crowds,

"What did this beast look like?"

The merchant looked at her. He couldn't see much, save for glowing blue and golden eyes. And a strange glowing necklace that shifted in color.

"I couldn't see it Lass. It moved like lightning in the dark."

Trix nodded "And where did you see it?"

The merchant looked at her strangely.


Trix was sat atop her horse. Acting as a guard for a merchants caravan.

She watched the forests as they rode on. She was humming at a low volume. Using her wind magic to project her voice around the forest. Hoping that if whatever manner of monster was lurking, would hear her and stay away for the time being.

"So, lass. You never gave your name."

Trix smiled, Looking out at the forests. "My name isn't important, Master Dwarf. What is your name?"

The dwarf was an older dwarf. His hair was more grey than brown at this point. But he had kind eyes.

"My name is Balin son of Fundin. At your service Lass."

Trix chuckled "I do believe master dwarf that I am at your service. But it is a pleasure to meet you Balin son of Fundin."

The dwarf chuckled before the pair descended into silence.

Trix was watching the forests when she realized it was completely silent. She tensed.

"Master Dwarf."

Balin looked at the girl, "Aye lass?"

Trix tightened the grip in her reigns, "When I give you the signal, you urge your horses to run as fast as they can go."

Balin cocked his head, "Lass?"

"It's here."

Balin then realized the forest was silent. "Lass, are you sure—"

Trix nodded stiffly, "Trust me on this Master Balin."

Balin frowned but nodded "Alright Lass."

Trix took a deep breath, her eyes catching the light and glinting like an animals. She pulled out her rope and slipped a vial into the loop at the end.

She watched the forest. Seeing a large shape moving closer to them. Trix carefully jumped up. So, she was crouching on her horse. And started to swing the rope.

A low whistle was produced. It was loud against the silence of the forest.

But as soon as the whistling started. The silence vanished. Birds started to chirp again. And the feeling of being watched vanished. Trix sat back on her horse.

"Don't worry Master Balin, Whatever was there has gone for now."

Balin released a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Thanks to you Lass."

Trix shook her head, "I don't think so." her eyes glinting in the low light.

Balin didn't ask what she meant.

The rest of the trip was calm. But Trix kept her guard up.

Trix didn't trust the forest after that. She kept a close eye out feeling like they were being followed. But she made sure that Balin couldn't tell that she was still on her guard.

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