Home. {2}

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The trip into Middle Earth was a strange one to say the least.

Trix was presently laying on the ground groaning.

"That sucked."

Paladin laughed weakly, "Yeah. It's not a fun trip."

Andraste stood and rolled her eyes, "You're both babies. Trix get up."

Trix put her hand up and pointed at Andraste, "You're mean."

But she pushed herself off the ground. And stood comfortably rubbing the back of her head.

"What's the plan now?"

Andraste and Paladin shared a look.

"What's that look for?" Trix asked worried. She knew that at some point they would leave, and she'd be on her own, but she hoped it wasn't yet.

"Come with us. We have someone for you to meet. After that I'm sorry but we'll be going."

Trix took a deep breath, "I know." She smiled, "Let's go meet this person."

Andraste nodded.

The pair of blue wizards started to walk away. Trix trailing after them.

It was strange now that she was in middle earth, her magic felt more alive. Like it wanted to break free and dance. She also noticed how different everything felt around her. The trees felt more connected more alive. Trix took a deep breath in.

"Everything feels free-er doesn't it?"

Paladin asked looking back to find Trix walking with her eyes closed.

"Yeah. It feels amazing."

Paladin chuckled.

"Open your eyes before you trip Tricky."

She pouted but opened her eyes.

"You are no fun."

Andraste chuckled at the pair.

"Stop acting like children. Both of you."

Both Trix and Paladin stuck their tongues out at the older woman.

"I can see you both."


The trio walked for a good long while.

But Trix was loving it. Being in Middle Earth felt better than anything.

Paladin and Andraste started to slow. Naturally Trix started to slow. She could hear humming and smell the faint smell of pipe weed. For some reason it smelt very familiar to her.

The trio walked into a clearing. And sitting on a large group of tree roots that came up like a chair. Was an old man. With a long grey beard and matching hair. He was dressed similarly to Andraste and Paladin, only in Grey. And he was smoking a pipe.

"Gandalf. It has been a while." Paladin said with a small smile.

"Ah Paladin, Andraste. My old friends how have you been?"

Andraste smiled, "We have been good. There is someone we want you to meet. You may remember her." Andraste looked back to Trix, "Trix, this is Gandalf."

Trix smiled and lowered her hood, "Hello Gandalf."

Gandalf looked at Trix with a faint smile. "well, It has been an age since I have seen you. Elentiya Grimmborne. You were only a child last I saw you."

Trix cocked her head, her black hair falling with the movement.

"I afraid to say I don't remember you. I'm sorry."

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