The War Between Heart and Duty

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Pink larkspurs symbolize fickleness or indecisiveness

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Pink larkspurs symbolize fickleness or indecisiveness

(EP: the Duke and I)

It was simply perplexing to Peony, why the Prince did not want her. She was the daughter of a Duke, she thought herself to be decently educated, one day she knew she would be a great mother, she just simply did not understand why he had chosen to ask for Daphne's hand a mere daughter of a viscount. Yes her cousin was the diamond of the season, but unless polished diamonds lose their luster, but flowers, they may die but they live on forever in paintings, they are vibrantly colored, they support the nature around them, all a diamond does is sit and look pretty.

It was that morning, Daphne all but sprinted into her cousin's room waking the younger girl, who was exhausted from the emotions that had plagued her the night before.

"Daphne, what has happened?" Peony asked groggily

"I am to marry the duke" she stated pacing the room. At this announcement, Peony was fully awake. "Cressida saw us last night in the garden. We are going to request a special license."

"Oh Daph, come here." Peony sat up allowing her best friend to lay her head in her lap. "The duke may have a past but he is a great man. He can provide you with so much"

"Yes, but not children. I do not know what he means but apparently, he can not bear them." Peony attempted to console the distraught girl by combing through her hair.

"Daph I am so sorry, I wish there was something I could do. I wish I knew more about how everything worked. Come try to get some sleep and we will address it once you are better rested." with the fragile girl curled into her side on her bed, Peony continued to comfort the girl as she fell into a fitful sleep.

Soon the blonde fell back asleep knowing that in a few hours much would have to be discussed. Her own thoughts ran wild knowing that the time to speak to the prince was coming soon.

It was a few moments after the girls had both shut their eyes that knocks were heard at the door of the room Peony used when at the Bridgertons, Rose and Marie came to raise the girls, the two cousins threw on their robes and made their way downstairs where Violet sat being attended to by her maids they swiftly left as the girls enter.

"Are you feeling better, Dearest? Good morning Peony" Violet said in her motherly way, Peony returning a soft hello and walking to grab a muffin to break her fast. The older woman continued "Perhaps I, too, caught whatever it was that sent you home early from the party. I have a terrible headache, indeed." Watching from where she sat Peony could see how nervous Daphne was to tell her mother all that transpired. "What is it?" The mother prodded.

"I am engaged." Daphne abruptly spoke.

Violet gave an excited "Oh!" she chuckled slightly, continuing to dab her head with the cold cloth. "Well, that is wonderful news. So you will be a princess?" the aunt shifted her eyes to the other girl in the room whole looked down, though she knew the truth the idea of her prince marrying another girl sent a pain through her heart.

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