Trampled Heart

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A yellow chrysanthemum blossom signifies neglected love or sorrow

The next day, Peony sat in the parlor with Daphne, Eloise, and her Aunt, she sat doing some needlework that resembles the bouquet that the prince had gifted her as Eloise read and Daphne worked on the composition of her new piece on the pianoforte.

"You finished. How lovely!" Aunt Violet spoke as the song came to an end.

"I do hope you have finally given it a name." Eloise chided her sister.

"I thought it was beautiful Daphne, perhaps you could teach it to me?" Peony said encouraging her cousin. Before Daphne left to meet with Simon at the bakery.


Upon her return, Peony heard Daphne run to her room, as her maid Rose attempted to get her out of her room.

"Rose?" Peony spoke coming up behind her. "Allow me to speak to my cousin, perhaps I can find what is wrong." Rose gave a nod and left to attend to her other duties. Peony turned and knocked on the door.

"Daph" she spoke hearing the sniffles coming from within. "Please let me in? it is not good to keep it all in." The door creaked open enough for Peony to enter, she swiftly hugged are cousin and best friend as they walked to sit on the bed."Please Daph tell me what has happened I hate to see you this way."

Daphne laid her head on her cousin's chest as she cried.

"It is stupid" the weeping girl began. "It is the Duke, my mind cannot seem to be free of him yet it knows that he does not wish to marry. I do not know what to do. I must marry this year for my family and no other man has made me feel like he does. He told me he no longer wishes to court me, the I have many other fine gentlemen who want me. But I don't want them. He recommended I pursue the prince now that he has backed out of our arrangement." Daphne spoke fast and in gasps, not realizing what she had said.

"What arrangement Daph?" The blonde asked perplexed.

"Oh I should have said anything, I can no longer hide it though, Simon and I made an agreement that he would pretend to court me to bring in more suitors for me and keep mamas off of him. But I have gotten to know him so well and wonder if he is whom I am meant to be with. He has stepped away now that the prince is here. Everyone is speaking about what a match we would make." Peony simply nodded her head taking in every word, trying not to let her jealousy at the mention of the prince bubble up.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Probably what everyone expects, I will marry the prince." Those words broke Peony's heart, she had hoped to tell her cousin about her growing feelings for the man who Daphne spoke of. But had never found the time that day. But she knew that the queen would prefer Daphne over her and swallowed her tongue. Hiding the hurt in her eyes, the girls continued to converse. Daphne spilled how she would get the prince as her cousin's heart slowly shattered knowing he wouldn't be hers.


Later in the evening the next day, Peony sat getting her hair done by Marie when Anton walked in.

"Getting ready for the ball sister?" He asked already knowing the answer. "It seems that the prince has become even more taken with you since your walk in the flowers, he has sent you a bouquet of carnations and a note." He placed them in front of her and walked out.

The carnations were a light red, which held the meaning of adoration. Carefully detaching the note from the ribbon holding the flowers together Peony turned to Marie.

"Would you mind replacing the flowers next to my bed with these Marie?" Marie simply grabbed the flowers after Peony had taken her final large sniff of the beautiful perfume that the carnations held. She opened the letter.

Liebe Pfingstose

I do hope you enjoy the carnations I sent you. You mentioned that the red flower represents adoration. A powerful feeling which I have for you. Please take these as a humble request for a dance with you this evening.
Yours truly,
Prince Friedrich

Her heart swelled, perhaps the Prince was growing to live her and Daphne's advances would be for nothing. With a final light smile gracing her lips from the words. Peony and her company left for the ball.


Through the time spent at the ball, Peony was swept into many dances by young suitors. Finaly she was able to get her dance with the Prince, as the spoke following their movements, his eyes were drawn upward from hers.

Peony looked up to see Dapne in the most gorgeous white dress she has ever seen. With his attention lost, Peony felt her heart breal, he walked over to her cousin.

Her fan fell from her grasp. Freidrich bend to pick the feathered accesorie from the ground. And they began Daphnes's first dance of the season.

The shatters of a young girls heart left to deaf ears.

Could it be true? The season's diamond even more precious and rare a stone than previously thought? For it now appears this treasure is set to join the likes of the queen's ever-so-cherished crown jewels themselves. The Duke of Hastings, I hear, was left looking rather tongue-tied last night, as Miss Bridgerton seems to have finally grown tired of waiting for him to pose that all-important question. Or, perhaps, the young miss has simply traded up. One must also note the tears that glisted down one flowers cheeks as she was left trampled in the durt by her own cousin. One would be left to ask, who will the prince choose, the diamond, or the flower. And for Miss Bridgertons actions. Surprising? Quite. Unreasonable? Of course not. After all, why settle for a duke when one can have a prince? Even if it means betraying the heart of your dearest friend.

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