Walk in the Flowers

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Sunflowers represent longevity, adoration, and pure love

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Sunflowers represent longevity, adoration, and pure love.

While Peony sat at in the Bridgerton home spiraling into self-doubt about how her tea with the queen would go, she did not know of the drink being had down by the lake between the Prince and Miss Cowper, but what she did know is that in order for her to get the prince to stop thinking about the other girls he spoke to, she must use the ambition, that she hides behind her gleaming smile. She knew the Queen thought her to have little substance but, with the Queen, she hoped she would be able to woe her on to her side like she saw Daphne do with all those how came in contact with her.


There she was, dressed in her beautiful light pink gown, preparing herself to speak with the queen. She still felt a bit nervous, though who would not, it was the queen.

"Lady Ardoin", the coachmen spoke, opening the door to help her out of the carriage, next he helped Marie step out, the two women made their way into the palace, her brother followed swiftly behind.

The trio swiftly made their way up to the palace. Peony was in complete awe of the gold accented halls that towered around her, sure she had grown up in luxury but a palace is a whole other feeling. They made their way to the large doors that opened to reveal the sitting room where the Queen was sitting already started on her morning tea.

"Please sit" She spoke to Anton, as the trio arose from the bows the bestowed upon the queen. "I wanted to speak to you your grace as it seems your sister is one of the few that have caught the eye of my nephew. Lady Ardoin, he is waiting for you in the garden perhaps you would like to join him so your brother and I may speak."

"Thank you for letting me know, I shall join you later?" Peony said, swiftly taking her exit with Marie, shooting 'tell me later' eyes at her older brother who had started to fix his tea.

"Yes, Your majesty it seems she has, although it appears she is not receiving the same affections from others," Anton spoke from his seated position, his sister made her way out of the room.

"Well, I have not had the opportunity to speak much to your sister, or your cousin." Her Majesty spoke, she was a bit put off that the young duke would speak so openly to her.

"If I may your majesty, I understand the appeal that my cousin has, however, I do believe that the Prince and my sister would make an excellent match, you see not only would the exquisite match of Daphne and The Duke of Hastings make history as a perfect match, but think of joining my family with that of the Prussian Monarchy, the political gain would speak for its self having my sister next inline," The Queen was obviously pondering the words of the young Duke, "Also, I do not believe that anyone could look at those two and not see the pure true love that is held?" He gestured to the window, through which you could see as Peony lifted her hand so the shoulder of the Prince and let out a laugh.

"My fear is she could not handle the duties of a princess, she could embarrass not only your house, but the British Crown, and The Prussian." The Queen felt she could be truthful in her words to the man before her.

"I ensure you, my Queen, Peony embarrassing anyone is the least of my worries in their matrimony." They continued with their small talk about the wedding, they moved swiftly to the window where the prince and the beautiful girl could be seen walking and conversing, her hands showing clear excitement for the words she was speaking, both the onlookers agreed to allow the romance to play out for itself with little meddling from them, though for the queen, it would be hard.


In The Garden

"Your majesty!" Peony spoke as she approached the Prince, quickly bowing before her eyes were tranced by his.

"Lady Ardoin, I must ask you to call me Friedrick when we are together." His face lit up seeing the beautiful girl before him. "What do you think of the gardens? Quite beautiful are they not?"

"Oh yes, they are everything, if not more beautiful than you described."

"Shall we walk?" He offered out his arm to her, which she slowly took. "I was hoping you could share some of your many facts with me?" She blushed but nodded no one had ever been interested in what was considered useless knowledge. The first flowers they came to were tulips.

"Did you know that tulips in the 17th century in Holland were valued more than gold? They also can never be a true blue, only a purple. Generally, they also signify spring and love. To five a red tulip means that someone is confessing their true love. White means you are annoyed with whomever you give them to and Orange is energy and enthusiasm." The prince looked down upon the girl in awe, how she retained such information astonished her. He bent down and plucked out a pink one.

"And what of a pink tulip?" He asked her.

"Happiness and confidence." She replied blushing as he handed her one. They began to walk on to the next flower bed. Continuing as they had before, her spouting random facts and him plucking a flower for her, quickly a bouquet began to for in her hand.

"Your majesty?" she asked, he gave her a playful glare, "I apologize Freidrich?"

"Yes, Peony?" He responded.

"Have you ever made a bookmark from flowers?" She inquired her eyebrow lifting with the question.

"No, I cannot say I have." Her smile grew, as she explained to him how to make a bookmark from pressed flowers and parchment paper. Getting excited about the craft as they made their way back to the castle. The prince took note once again of every fact the girl told him. He didn't understand how she could know the meanings of the different colors of each flower or how they each had a specific medical quality.

Once making it back to the castle, Peony handed the flowers to a servant to be placed in a vase of water so that she could take them home with her. They joined her brother and the queen for tea.

Well, I have finally done it, this chapter after way too many months has been finished. Let me know what you think. I am also strongly considering writing a Benedict love story.


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