Chapter Three-We Meet Again

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I feel like I'm finally done for the day until I spot a little girl with a flower pot outside of her backyard. She is looking into the flower pot frowning at it, as if something is going to grow if she concentrated hard enough.

I go up to her. "Hi little girl, why are you frowning so much?"

She turns to face the door that leads to her house. "Mommy why is the flower not growing? It has already been weeks!"

"Spring has yet to come, so it will take some time for it to grow. After all, the weather is still a bit cold." A woman calls out from the house. "Now come in, it's dinner time."

"Okay!" The little girl calls and heads back into the house, closing the door behind her.

I look back at the flower pot. I normally don't do this since nature should grow by itself naturally. But it's only this time. Besides, there are no rules that say on how I should use my powers.

I cover the top of the pot with my hand, and my palm begins to glow. It takes about 30 seconds, before I remove my hand and smile at a small plant slowly growing into a fully grown flower.

This is probably going to be a bit shocking for that kid's mother.

I am finally ready to go to sleep after my long day. It sure takes a lot of effort to melt snow, but it is all worth it at the end.

I head back to the gigantic tree in the forest, that's where I live. I push open my wooden door, and step inside. The inside of my house is decorated with flowers and plants. I made some of the furniture myself, they break pretty easily since I'm not very good at building stuff but I try anyway.

I grab some food from my kitchen, bring it to the small wooden table in the living room, and I start eating. After I'm done, I go to the bathroom, take a shower, and brush my teeth.

I drop on my bed and just when I'm about to close my eyes, I think I hear the door of my house open, but I am too tired so I just go to sleep anyway.


My eyes flutter open but I still can't see anything. I rub my eyes and realize that I'm in a very tight space. When I try to move, a pain hits my back, and that's when I realize that I'm inside a bag. I start to push and kick to see if anyone would notice. But then again, the truth hits me. I am invisible. People don't believe in me.

The bag suddenly drops on the ground and I groan. Then the top opens, blinding me with the light. A big hand picks me out of the bag and places my feet on the ground. I look behind me and realize that it was two Yetis carrying me this hole time. I was about to scold them on how they treated me until a voice interrupts.

"I am so glad to see you again Y/N!" A muscular man says. He looks extremely familiar. And that's when I see the tattoos on his arms. One says 'Naughty' and one says 'Nice'.

"North...? Is that you?" I ask hesitantly.

There was one day when his sleigh got caught on a snow storm. The sleigh was completely covered in snow from top to bottom. I was walking in the woods when I saw him and his reindeer so I helped him melt the snow. I remember that happened about 150 years ago. It is such a coincidence that I see him again.

"So you remember me! How have you been?" He asks confidently.

"Well my day was going great until I got thrown on a bag and then got shipped to the North Pole very aggressively. By the way, credits to however got the idea." I say sarcastically.

"Great! That was my idea!" He says.

Of course it was. But North is a person that you can never be mad at, he is too jolly.

"So, what am I doing here?" I ask.

"I brought you here for some very important news," he smiles and I can't help but smile back, "meet the Guardians."

My eyes first go to a 6-foot-tall Kangaroo, or was he a bunny? No that can't be, he's too tall. He is busy painting an egg. But then he notices me and grins. "My name is Bunny. The Easter Bunny. Pleasure to meet you."

So he is a bunny.

He extends his hand and I shake it.

Then a hummingbird looking woman flies towards me. She smiles sweetly and I smile back. "Hi! Oh goodness, I am so excited to meet you! It's great that another one is joining the team-" she covers her mouth with her hands and I raise an eyebrow, "I mean- it's so exciting that you're here Y/N. I am Tooth. The Tooth Fairy!"

I smile at her excitement.

Then a short man made of sand walks towards me. He gives me a flower made of sand and I smile at the gesture.

"And you must be Sandman," I say and he nods.

"We call him Sandy for nickname," a voice says.

I turn and my smile fades at the next person that's being introduced to me. Of course it had to be him.

"We meet again sunshine," he smirks.

"Jack Frost." I say.

"Have you two already met?" North asks.

"Indeed we have," I say with a tight smile.

Hey everyoneee!!! Here is chapter three! 😎

I'm practicing with putting more description in my writing to make it more...imaginable?

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 🏃‍♀️

Word count: 948

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