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"OMG!!!!"my best friend Faith exclaimed.

"Hey...could u be a little softer..my mom will get worried"i begged.

"No way...u got promoted to take pics of huge celebs...hw can i be quiet bout that?!!"she fought bac

"ok i understand..but try not to shout to much ok?"i said

"Ok..but on a serious note whose your first client??"

"ummm....i think its R5..."i said totally confused

"Ahhhh!!!...no way!!!...can u please get me an autograph from Ross please with a cherry on top!!!"

"i hate cherry.."

"ok well chocolate syrup!!!"

"ok now u talkin...so I'll will try to get your autograph"

"Ugh!!!im so bored!!!"Faith complained.

"No offence but ur always bored"i laughed

"Screw u...lets go and...watch tv"

"naw..imma go get somethin to eat...then go to the park "

"ohhh...im comming"

"ok..lets go"

At The Park~~~~

"Can I hav 2 cones...Chocolate..Cookies and Cream.."Faith asked the man

"Sure..."he replied

After we got our ice cream we sat on the swings and talk none stop...until we saw a mob of teenage girls screaming and runnin towards us...so we panicked and started to scream...


Girls screamed at us for bein in their way of...wat i dont know...

"Get out of our way!!"
"Move ur blockin my view!!"

"View of wat?"Faith asked
"1D's photoshoot!!!"

We turned around and saw 1D gettin ready for a picture...we had no words so we jus left...

"We were so close to celebs and we didnt even notice!!"I exclaimed
"Thats probably the closest i'll get!"Faith sighed
"Hmm...let's go home im tired"

At Home....

*Phone Convo*

"Hello,FJ residence..ur speakin to Faith Hernandez...hw may i help u?"
"Hi this is Ross,Ross Lynch!"
"........Holy Jesus....Um..hi"
"Yeah can i speak to Jade Stones plz?"
"Hello Jade speakin"
"Hey Ross here...jus callin to remind u of the photoshoot tomorrow."
"Oh yh...12 right?"
"Yep..so I guess i'll see u then?"
"Yeah..see ya"

*End of Convo*

"Ahhhhh!!!"Faith screamed
"Ikr!!!"I answered back. Thank God mummy wasn't home.

"Lets go to bed now!!!"
"Good night"

His PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now