41.Drink It

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Nate's POV

Sarah went outside to make sure Jade was gone. I hope she's ok..I lo-

"Now baby, The man stealer is gone... I'll release you but don't run" Sarah warned as she unlocked the chains

Once my wrists were released my hands immediately went to Sarah's neck all I saw was red

"You better leave Jade alone or I will not hesitate to put your sorry whore-ish behind in jail for life..understood?" I threatened

"Y-yes" she stuttered fear visible in her eyes

"Hey!" My hands were ripped from her throat as her body guards attacked me to the floor

"You play with me Nate...you are mine!" She whispered something in a guard's ear and he smirked nodding before walking out Sarah in tow. My hands were chained again and I was left alone ...my emotions got the vest of me and I silently cried not for myself but for Jade...I love her.
I closed my eyes and let darkness take over

"Wake up idiot!"

I slowly opened my eyes to see the guards and Sarah standing before me. The guard held a glass of water in my face



"Drink it Nate!" Sarah screamed " or else Jade won't be alive" she sang

"No! Leave her alone!"

"Then drink it"

Sarah held the cup to my lips and I hesitantly drank the liquid immediately feeling dizzy... My vision was cloudy

"Sweet dreams... When you wake up.. Jade will be nothing but a name"

With that darkness took over... I love you Jade


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