6.You lieeee!!!!

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I was shocked...Bruno Mars!......THE Bruno Mars!..Peter Hernandez! wanted ME to do a photoshoot for him....Shut up and Keep talking.
Full of excitement I ran to Faith fangirling like an Idiot.

"Uhhh..You OK Jay" she asked

"I'm not OK.....I'm GREAT!!!"

"You wanna tell me why"

"Bruno Mars asked me to do a photoshoot for him!!!"Faith looked at me with egg sized eyes

"Please tell me you're lying..."

"I wish I was...here he sent me an email"
I gave my phone for her to read the email

"Guuuurrrlllll.... You so gt"

"I still can't believe it....I'm gonna call 'em"

I dialed the given contact number and put the phone on speaker

"Umm..is,this Bruno Mars?"
"That depends on who wants to know"
"This is Jade Stones.I g-"
"Jade!Finally!. I was waiting for your call"
"Yes..so are you taking the job?"
"Ummm..."I looked at Faith who was continuously nodding yes "Yes! I'll take it!"
"Great...can we meet somewhere tomorrow?"
"Everything Hawaiian!"
"You.Dont.Know.Everything. Hawaiian?"
"Is that bad?"
"Yes!.Text me your address, I'll pick you up tomorrow"

Unexpectedly Faith did one of her over dramatic squeals and that seemed to startle Bruno

"What was that!"
"That's my best friend.. Sorry bout that"
"Oh..um..does she want to come as well?"
"Nope...I'm going out with Ross" Faith blushes a deep shade of red

"Ooo...anyway what time will you be picking me up?"
"4, so be ready..dress casual"
"Okay, I'll see you then"


"Girl you so lucky tho"

"Not as lucky as you Mrs.-Ross"

"Stop!" Faith blushed and walked off leaving me to go crazy


Bruno Mars is gonna meet her..Bam!
Hope you enjoyed..I wrote this while I was on camp so...sorry if you don't like it...that ain't my problem tho..so...see ya in the next chapter

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