24.A Date with Who?

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"Shorty?" Nate called as he sat next to me on the couch

"Yeah.."I replied not taking my eyes of my book. I was reading 'Gone'

"I'm tired" he whined again

"Well sleep"I replied stating the obvious

"The bed isn't comfy" Nate snuggled his face into the croak of my neck

"Ugh!!!Fine" I moved my book from my lap and Nate laid there and fell asleep. What are you trying to do to me Nate?

I decided sleep wasn't such a bad idea so I laid my head on the back of the couch and fell asleep.

Faith POV

Ricky and I went grocery shopping . I wanted to go with Ross but for some reason he's not answering his phone.

I stared at my phone hopefully, waiting for Ross to call or text.
I sighed and locked my phone

"You ok Rosey?" Rosey is the nickname Ricky gave me because of how rosey my cheeks are.

"No...not really"


"Mhm..."Ricky pulled the trolley to the side and looked me directly in the eye

"Don't worry, he probably got some band stuff to do"


"Don't worry" He pulled me in for a hug and I relaxed.... his cologne smells so good...

Jade's POV

I woke up with a soothing sense of warmth around me. I opened my eyes and blushed as I was greeted my a muscular chest.

"Morning Shorty"

"Hey...what time is it?"

"11:45 pm"

"Oh...did I wake you?"

"No I was awake along time ago"

"And you watched me sleep"

"Sort of"

"I should get back to sle-*yawn*"

"Yeah you should"

I laid my head on Nates chest and feel asleep....wait where is Faith....and Ricky?

I woke up and stretched. I took a quick glance at the clock and freaked.

"I'm late!!!" It was 8:20 and I just woke up

"Late for what?" A grumpy sleepy Nate asked

"My date with Bruno" the information seemed to wake him up. His eyes were filled with emotions- anger,shock, jealousy......hurt.

"Your date with who?"

Is Nate Jealous???.....idk...see ya in the next chapter....stay sweet..

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