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Nate and I are getting ready yo go to the studio. I'm so glad he's coming with me.

"Jade I'm ready!!"

"Ok..I'm coming!"

My outfit:

Nate's outfit:

I ran out to Nate's car and examined his outfit

"You love red"

"Yes I do"

We drove to the studio..I could tell by Nate's smile he was excited.

"Jade!! I'm so glad your back" Bruno's stylist hugged me

"Yeah me too"

"Well I got to go get Bruno ready..see ya in a few"

"Ok see ya!"


"Im gonna set up...u can have something from the snack bar" I said to Nate.


Nate's POV

I watched as Jade walked off..her hair swaying in rythm with her hips...

I watched as she set up her camera..the way her eyebrows crease together as she concentrates its ab- "sorry I'm late"

A voice that sounded awfully familiar pulled me from my thought...but my eyes never left Jade. I watched her every move..she's so perfect...

Jade's POV

The co-star just arrived...she's very pretty...

"Bruno! I'm ready!"

"Okay!!"Bruno came out and walked over to me."did you meet the co-star?"



"Yeah." The girl came out and smiled at me





The girl looked surprised "Nate?"

"You two know each other?"

"Uh yeah" they said in unison

"He's my ex" my eyes grew big as Nate sighed

"Well this is awkward"

"Let's get back to the shoot" 'Nataly said


See ya in the next chapter...stay sweet

His PhotographerWhere stories live. Discover now