18.Cole Stone

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. Smiling I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

"Don't burn it" I said sitting on the counter.

"Morning to you to Shorty"

"Ugh...I grew" I pouted

"Stop lying to yourself it's not healthy"

"Right...What you making"?

"Blueberry pancakes, and orange juice"

"Yum..need help"

"No I don't need the fire department rushing in my apartment"

"I can cook"

"You mean burn water"
I gave him the best death glare I have and he just laughed.

We sat at the table and ate breakfast. I was about to wash my dishes when Nate stopped me.

"Don't be stupid...your a guest I'll wash"



I sighed and walked to the living room."Uh Shorty?"


"My friends and I are going to the mall this afternoon you wanna come?"

"Uh sure"

"Great I'll drop you home and pick you up at 1:30"

"Cool...just let me change"
I went to the bed room and changed into my clothes from yesterday. "Im ready"

"Okay let's go" Nate grabbed his keys and we walked out the building. "My car is down the street wait here" Nate walked off and came back 10 minutes with a silver/gray Rang Rover.

"Daym...." I said getting in the front seat.


"Alright don't forget 1:00/1:30" Nate reminded me driving out of my driveway.


I went inside and checked the clock 10:45.I have time.

I quickly changed into something clean and sat in front if the TV surfing through the channels.

My phone went off and I saw I had a message from Nate

"I'm on my way:-P"

I checked the clock to see its 12:29...I ran to the bathroom and took a quick bath.

I wrapped my hair in a towel and dried my body. I picked out my outfit,dressed and combed my hair

My outfit:

My hair:

Just as I was finished I heard the door knock

"Coming!!" I opened it to see Nate.

"I'm surprised you're ready" Nate smirked at me

"Yeah..." I trailed off

"Let's go"

"One sec" I ran upstairs grabbed my bag and phone and went out to Nate. "Now we can go"

"Girls...." He muttered

Nate's outfit:

At the Mall..

Nate said his friends are at Cole Stones. We walked through the mall on our way to Cole Stones where Nate was greeted by a group if boys and girls...thank god I didn't put on a dress...I would've been the odd one out..

See ya in the next chapter...stay sweet

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