12.First Day

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Today is the first day of Bruno's photoshoot. It is taking place at a auditorium. I'm so excited!!!

Faith and I are already at the venue waiting for the star himself (Bruno Mars)
"He's late...we're so sorry" A worker apologised

"It's okay I can wait"

"Again...I'm so sorry"

15 minutes.....

"Where the hell is he!!!"

Bruno's manager was fuming as Bruno wasn't here yet

"Hello...Bruno where the hell are you?. ..what!?The photographer is already her...yes she's here....please hurry" The manager sighed and hung up the phone "Bruno should be here shortly"

"If y'all getting married...he better not be late" Faith said and laughed

"Shut up" I laughed along with her

5 minutes .....

"I'm here!!!!!" Bruno walked through with Phil following closely behind. He sent a wink my way causing me to blush.

"Bruno Mars get your butt in the dressing room and stop flirting with the photographer" A middle aged woman woman with blonde hair said.

"But I just got here" Bruno wined

"You should've been here and hour ago..."She pointed to the dressing room stood her ground. Bruno unwillingly obeyed. "Kids...."

I laughed to myself and went to set up my camera..

Bruno can out in his outfit looking fine ....
"OK Bruno you ready?"

"Uhhh...yeah.. I think so"

"Ok can you stand on the stage " I placed Bruno on the stage and directed his position / pose

"I think there should be girls in this photo" Bruno smiled

"I think you need to keep your mouth shut or your pictures would look retarded" I mumbled

"Ouch"he faked being hurt but then laughed

"OK where's the guitar?" Phil brought the guitar and gave it to Bruno.."Thank you....Now make it look as though you're in a concert..don't watch the camera"

1 hour....

"And...we're done!"

"Awesome let me see"

"I look good"

"Yeah...the camera lies....a lot"

"What the hell..."

"That's a keeper"



"Looking good baby"


"I was talking to the camera"

Bruno looked shocked "Uh..y-yeah I knew that"

"Of course"

"Can I see the rest of my pics?"



Faith and I packed up for the day and left...That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be


Soooo....how was that.... See ya in the next chapter.... Stay sweet..

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