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Man, this ship always makes me so frustrated.

They were fridging adorable in Runaway, I was literally fangirling all over the place! And just the whole idea behind them is adorable. I mean, they're from completely different tribes. Arctic is a prince who doesn't want to live up to his mother's standards. And then he meets Foelayer, a bubbly, slightly crazy dragon who isn't too inclined to follow rules. There's no way they can be together, not with their backgrounds and all.

But they won't let that stop them.

Like, twenty pages of development and one epic battle scene later, they're flying away towards their happily ever after. Or so they thought.

We get a glimpse of Arctic's true corrupted side at the end of the story when he's being all snappy and grumpy.

But that's nothing compared to what's to come. Now we have to live with the whole, you know, Darkstalker thing.

I honestly think that Arctic would be a better father if he hadn't had to live in the NightWing kingdom where he was hated all the time. And if he was a better father, Darkstalker might've been a better son. And maybe he wouldn't have forced his own father to painfully disembowel himself in front of an unwilling audience. You know, just a thought.

Overall, I'm just so sad that they turned out the way they did. This just goes to show that not everything ends in a happily ever after. Remember that, kids.

But I guess their tragic ending had to happen in order for us to get the big climatic Jade Mountain arc that we did, so there's one upside. I guess. I'm still sad.

But we can't have everything, now can we? *sniff*

Thank you.

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