Chapter 9

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Okay, I may have underestimated the bumpy terrain of this fucking country. I’m pretty sure I crushed one of Kage’s ribs holding on so tight, if the way he’s wincing right now as he gets off the bike with my McDonald’s in hand is anything to go by.

“Gimme! I’m fucking starving.” I snatch the bag out of his hand, settling down on our spot at the top of the mountain and looking down at the sleepy little village below. It’s actually more comfortable than it looked when he first pulled up.

“Damn girl, don’t they feed you? Who the hell orders three big Macs and looks like you do?” A Parker, obviously.

I swear they put something in McDonald’s, it's like a hit of crack when you take the first bite.

Kage slips down onto the floor next to me, placing his own giant bag of food in his lap and immediately pulling the lid off his shake to start dunking his fries in.

I miss Hope.

I managed to video chat her for a little bit earlier but I got the time difference all fucked up and ended up waking her up at stupid o'clock, so let her go back to sleep. I know she’ll be texting me all day tomorrow, she misses me too.

“My best girl does exactly the same thing, but she always gets a chocolate one.” I comment, watching him get distracted by the skyline and not realising his fingertips are now covered in strawberry shake.

“Oh yeah? She likes chocolate?” He winks. “She cute? Single? Nearby?” I shove my fist straight into his shoulder, expecting a bit of resistance but not that he would feel like a brick fucking wall. This guy is solid.

“Shut the fuck up,” I chuckle. “I wish she was here, I miss her already.”

“How long have you been here now? It’s a pretty small place and I feel like I’d remember seeing you before.”

“Ummm... About eighteen hours?” He starts to choke on his fries and I let him, he deserves to choke for being so fucking cheeky... and happy. Who is this deliriously happy all the time? He’s like a fucking kids TV presenter.

“Eighteen hours! And you’re already getting in street fights?!” He giggles. “Please tell me you’re travelling with your folks? Or at least someone who can keep you out of the clutches of the Cosa Nostra when I’m not around.”

“No,” I respond, devouring more fries. I don’t even have folks, but this is not the time for my sad story. “It's just me. I just needed to getaway, there’s someone here that I know so I’m crashing with them for a bit.”

“Ah, so you just decided to run away to Italy?”

Did I? Run away? I don’t even know anymore. It feels good to be away from Westbrooke, but it also feels like I just took a step onto a path when I have no idea where it's going to lead. I still feel as lost here as I did there.

“Not really running... More like... I just wanted out for a bit.” He leans back on his elbows, basically laying down in the dirt before he turns to face me. I’d almost say he looks concerned but I don’t understand why, he doesn’t know me.

“Are they bad people back home or something? Are you in trouble?” That’s actually kind of funny, before I left was probably the closest I’ve ever been to having a trouble free life, there's just a part of me that didn't feel it was right.

“No, nothing like that. It’s just...” I’m not even sure how to explain this. Kage lifts up his box of fries towards me, he knows I have three boxes of my own in that bag but I still take a handful of his anyway.

“They’re difficult?” I think that’s an understatement.

“More just freakishly co-dependent weirdos who spend too much time trying to fuck each other.” He raises his eyebrows at me and I realise how that must sound, but in all honesty it’s the truth. “My oldest brother is married to my other brothers sister, then that brother is likely marrying his sisters best friend soon, and then that dudes brother is married to my sister. One big dysfunctional, almost incestuous, family. So yes, difficult and I wanted out.”

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