Chapter 147

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Oh my God.


I haven’t seen him since I left him in the alleyway, since I slapped him and told him I didn’t want him. How those words ever left my mouth I’ll never know as I look at him now.

He’s... He’s... I’ve never been happier in my life to see someone. He’s actually here.

And completely fucking beautiful.

The empty plate falls from my lap, hitting the floor as I spring to my feet. A part of me is terrified that he doesn’t feel the way I do looking at him, but then he steps into the room, his crystal blue eyes locked on my own when he opens his arms and I go crashing straight into them.

Home. I’m home.

“Fuck Shorty, you scared the shit out of me...” He holds me tight but I don’t care, gripping my head to his chest and burying his face in my hair

Kage’s huge body acts like a shield around my own, one that I don’t need to be strong in, as tears flow from my eyes and my nails claw at his shirt just trying to get him closer.

“How... How are you here?” Is he even real? Because I’ve met angels today, and this still feels more unbelievable.

“Fucking destiny.” That’s exactly how he’s here, destiny.

My whole body aches and he knows it. He doesn’t even let me take a step back on my bad ankle, scooping me up in his arms and holding me to him as he carries me back to the couch.

God I’ve missed him so much.

“Did Tyrone get on in your place?” Kage nods at Ivana, sitting down with me in his lap and running his hand over every part of my body he can.

“Yeah, cheeky shit made me give him a hundred euros to switch to my flight but I don’t give a fuck. He was leaving on the next one in two hours anyway, I just got him there early.” I’m so confused. I try to lift my head so I can ask him what he’s talking about, but he just tucks me back in under his chin, his soft lips delicately placing against my wet hair.

Is it possible to feel bulletproof in the arms of one person? Because that’s exactly how I feel with him, completely fucking bulletproof.

“Who’s Tyrone? Why did you have to pay him?” I don’t even mean to be crying, the tears just keep springing from my eyes the more I run my hand over his warm chest and feel his heartbeat. He’s alive, he’s here, he came for me.

“I was... I was about to get on the plane to Mexico, literally walking on board when Ivana told me you were here. I left the moment I could.” Oh no.

He was getting out, he was getting away from this place and I’ve just dragged him back in.

“I’m so sorry... I didn’t mean... You shouldn't be here.” He was about to start a whole new fucking life, and I had to come along and ruin it like always.

Kage takes my head, holding my face with his comforting hands, those eyes of his so beautiful it actually hurts to look at them. They should be illegal in a man already this hypnotising.

“This is exactly where I should be. I’m so fucking glad I was there. The airport is only twenty minutes from here, if you’d been anywhere else it could have taken me hours to get to you. It’s fine, Tyrone will deal with all my stuff on the other side, and he used my ticket to get on board so they still think I got on the plane.”

What does he mean...

“Who's they?”

“He's been being followed.” Ivana answers for him. “The Russo family, or at least someone in it, have had men on him for weeks. I told him he had to leave but he was being... stubborn.” Kage smirks at me, so much joyful light in him that I could forget everything else that happened on this shitty day just looking at his smile.

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