Chapter 38

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Okay, I’m officially going insane and I think I might starve to death.

I haven’t left my room all day, Elba has been by to try and check on me a few times but every time she manages to force the door open I just go back to pretending I’m sleeping. I can’t deal with it yet.

One of the maids came in to sort out my room, I felt a presence standing in the doorway the entire time but I didn’t so much as flinch, facing the wall, eyes closed, pretending the world around me didn’t exist.

That was hours ago now, I’m pretty sure that they think I’m sick so nobody has brought food, but there’s only so many Oreo’s a girl can eat and Elba already drained me of most of my supply.

Fuck it, last night was long enough to feel sorry for myself. Now, I need to go prove that I’m the damn royalty I was born to be. I don’t need to be ashamed of what I am, I have my reasons for never letting a guy near me and there’s nothing wrong with that. If he’s got an issue with it, it’s his fucking issue, not mine. He’s the one that kissed his wife’s daughter, that shit is on him.

I’m glad the kitchen is so close to my room, I don’t need to go anywhere near where he usually stays but I still feel an overwhelming sense of relief when I walk inside to find nobody else there but Rosa, leaning her head against her hand on the counter top and looking seriously fucking exhausted.

“Zucca! I have been so worried, I would have brought you soup but they told me that you were still resting, are you feeling well now?” She’s such a sweetheart, she’s saying all the right words but I can almost see it in her eyes that she knows that’s not the truth.

“I’m fine, what about you? Are you sure you’re okay?” She doesn’t look too steady on her feet, in fact she looks like she’s coming down with something but she just waves me off before turning back to look at her cookbooks.

“I can assure you that I’m quite well, it is just a cold. I am at a loss as to what to make for supper, my mind is not as focused as it usually is.” She’s so much like Granny, that woman could be on her last legs, have a flu bug that would have most people on their backs for a month, yet she’d still be standing stirring pots and refusing to let anyone help.

Rosa is prideful, I don’t want to knock that so I need to be delicate here.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that? I know it’s kind of last minute but my head’s been all over the place and the only thing that really calms me is cooking, would it be cool with you if I made food tonight? You can totally watch me, make sure I don’t fuck it up or anything, but I’d really appreciate it if you let me try?” I’ve never been one for beating around the bush but I know where to pick the best battles. Rosa doesn’t look entirely convinced, raising her eyebrows at me but it just scrunches her little forehead up and she looks so damn cute. She’s a bit like a bulldog puppy with too much skin – adorable.

“They are quite fussy, they are used to the best. Are you sure you wish to do this?” Way to put the pressure on, babe.

“Trust me, those fuckers won’t know what’s hit them. Wanna sit down and slice me some tomatoes?” I figure giving her job immediately was a good way to go, I also appreciate having someone here that can wield a knife considering I still can’t. I’d usually just use canned tomatoes so I don’t have to but I have a feeling if I asked Rosa for them she’d throw me out of her kitchen head first, so I’ll let her do all the knife work and I’ll stick to what I’m good at.

Cooking is my sanctuary, it always has been. I’m grateful that Rosa isn’t a chatty cook either, she puts some gentle music on the radio that I can’t understand and is far from my own tastes, but it fills the silence as I get on with making my favourite dish.

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