Chapter 112

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I duck just in time, a short firing out that hits the windscreen and shatters the glass straight over my body. I barricade my hands over my ears, the glass cutting into my skin as the shots start to wail louder than the screams of the women.

Would you people stop shooting at me all the time?! I’m supposed to be on holiday!

I don’t even know who's shooting, us or them. I scramble for the door handle trying to get out but I can’t find it, my heart pounding in my ears as footsteps race towards me.

Breathe. Fucking breathe.

I get the door open just in time for it to slam into a body. I thought it was someone coming for me, but when I look up I see the young girl from the container bounce back off the door until she hits the ground, clenching her stomach with pain.

“Oh shit!” The swarm of women race past, knocking me down as I try to crawl around the door to get her, only for the same woman that protected her before to pull her to her feet.

She says something to her I can’t understand, it’s not Italian and that’s not even her accent, Polish maybe?

The girl trembles with fear, the woman pulling her into her body protectively and holding her like any mother would. Her protective instincts going into overdrive when she hears someone approach, throwing the girl behind her and raising her fist just as Elba runs into the light.

“No don't! She won’t hurt you!” Both women turn to face me, I’m not sure the young girl understands English at all but the older one definitely does, although she doesn’t believe me, keeping her body between the frightened little mouse and Elba.

“She is correct, bellissima, I mean you no harm.” Elba gently lowers her gun to the floor in front of the women, keeping her hands up as they both back away from her. “Please, allow us to assist you.”

“Allow us to leave.” In a flash she grabs Elba’s gun off the floor, reaching and twisting into my hair before thrusting me to her chest, placing the barrel straight against my temple. “Or I shall kill this one.”

And someone’s trying to kill me again. Must be Tuesday.

Jordano looks up from his place in front of what I’m pretty sure is Edwardo’s dead body, a single shot through his head as he lays limp against the open container. Andrade sits with a shot through his shoulder at his side, wining like a little bitch. Fuck knows where the other guy is.

He raises his gun without question, pointing it straight at the woman, but she keeps her head behind mine, her hand shaking as it holds the gun to my skin.

She doesn’t want to hurt me, she's fucking terrified.

The young girl behind her whimpers, holding onto the woman who can't be much more than a few years older than me, like she's all that's keeping her alive in this world.

“Hey... Hey, you don't have to do this... They aren't the bad guys.” I whisper to her calmly. I don’t know what it says about my life right now that I’m not even concerned about the gun held to my head, it actually seems like one of the calmer ways for me to go of you think about it.

“You are a fool to believe that.” She spits back aggressively, but even I can see under her fake confidence, she just wants to run.

“Lower your gun. You will not be given a second warning.” He growls, but she just wraps her arm around my throat tightly, holding me to her and pressing the gun more firmly against my temple.

“I shall let her go when you all lower your weapons. You will allow us to leave without a shot to our backs.” I like her, that’s probably something you shouldn’t say about somebody holding a gun to your head, but I like her.

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