Chapter 143

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"Run!" Anna screams again as she tries to shove me behind her, but it's too late, Jordano already launching for the both of us covered in blood, although he looks like he's seen a ghost when Anna pulls a gun out of her waistband and points it straight at his head.

"I thought you were dead, Anastasia." Oh fuck, he really did try to kill her.

"Not quite, but it was a good try." She snaps back. "You should know your men are dead. Shame, I quite liked Pierre. He tried to fuck me once, did you know that? You're men have never been quite as loyal as you like to pretend they are." Damn Anna.

He presses into her gun but she doesn't shake, keeping it solid against his head and not letting him come a step closer to me.

"I did not think you were capable." He grins, Diego's blood dripping off his lips onto his teeth.

"Underestimating me has always been your greatest flaw, Stallion. I've been putting guns together since I was thirteen, shot my first with my boyfriend's arm around my waist and our daughter in my stomach. You think this is my first step into the world of evil?" Her daughter in her...

Brie's father... She always told her she didn't know who he was... she lied.

He's out there, and he knows about her. Fuck.

"I never underestimated you Tia, I know what you are capable of when you are not busy building a life off my name. Although fucking my father was below even you. Did you truly believe I would allow you to live once I learned of this?" She cocks her gun, Jordano taking a step back and almost tripping over Diego's headless body.

I'm going to be sick again.

"He loves me, he's the reason I'm standing here." No, he doesn't. He's just so far inside your head you don't even know it. If you're standing here because of Angelo, it's because it's where he needed you.

Everyone's attention gets diverted by a scream. Mario somehow already unconscious, Luigi now with a six inch blade protruding from his thigh. I didn't even see Elba move.

"Elba... What are you..?"

"You are going to let her go, Stallion. I love you brother, but I cannot allow you to destroy her any further. You shall allow Belle to leave." Elba...

Fuck, she's working with Anna, to get me free.

Oh you dear, sweet, stupid princess. I love you so damn much.

Jordano looks at his sister in shock, even more so when she pulls out her own gun and points it at him.

It's killing her, she loves him more than anything, but her eyes keep flickering to me and I see the pain in them too. She knows something I don't, maybe his plan for me after this, whatever it is she can't let it happen.

"Baby girl, listen to me," Anna says slowly, but never takes her eyes off Jordano. "My car is outside, I want you to get in it and let the driver take you, he'll get you where you need to go. Hurry." I... I...

"I need to take Elba, I have to take her with me." I can't leave her in this place.

"Her father isn't going to let her go, sweetheart. You're my daughter, I can protect you, get you safe, but I can't protect her." Anna turns her head from her husband to face me, looking so much like my sister it makes tears spring from my eyes. "Run pumpkin, you run and you don't stop."


I look over at Elba, turning her focus to me for the brief a second, but it's a second too long.

Jordano moves quicker than lightning, smacking both women on their wrists at the same time and forcing them to let go of their guns. He catches them both effortlessly, turning them back so he has a perfect shot at both their heads.


"Farfalla, come here."

"May, run! He won't kill us!"

"Belle, I shall kill them both! You will come to my side!" The blood drips off his hands, adding to the blood pool at his feet, and it doesn't bother him one bit. "Farfalla!"

He's lost it, so out of control he doesn't even know what he's doing anymore. He drops the gun from Anna for a second, letting off three ear piercing shots straight into Diego's decapitated corpse. "Belle! Now!"

Anna has always been stupid. He'll do it, he'll kill them both.

I take a step forward, ready to give in to my destiny, when I hear her soft voice.

"Bellissima..." Elba shows no fear, tears in her eyes as she looks down the barrel of the gun, held to her head by the only man she's ever truly loved.

Before she turns to me, her hands moving in front of her body to sign a single word:


"Go!" Anna turns without a care, shoving me straight out of one of the warehouse doors and slamming it shut with her still inside.

What do I do? What the fuck do I do?!

I try to catch my breath, my body trembling with fear... Right before I hear the shots.


"Elba!" No... No!

He did it... He fucking killed her!

My heart stops. My soul breaks.

I scream and claw at the door, but there's no handle on this side.

"You killed her! You fucking killed her!" I'll kill him for this.

I can't see through my tears, still beating at the door trying to get back inside when I slip on the blood pouring out from underneath it, landing on my knees in the puddle of red.

Wait, Elba wasn't the one standing by here...

Oh my god.

Anna. He killed Anna.

A strong pair of arms snatch around my waist, pulling me from the floor sharply before starting to run, as more shots ring out.

No... He's killing Elba!

It takes me a second to recognise the person holding me, Brian, Anna's driver who picked us up when I arrived in the airport.

"What are you doing? I have to go get Elba!" I punch his back but it doesn't stop him, he just throws me head first into the back of the car.

"I'm sorry, I'm just following orders." I thought he was apologising for stopping me from getting to Elba, but then he pulls out his gun, pointing it at me inside the car like I'm a fish in a barrel.

Anna thought he was working for her, but she should know by now; everyone around here works for Angelo.

"He ordered this? He wants me dead now?"

"I apologise bellissima, I shall make sure your body is laid in the same water as your mother. This mercy I can grant you." I'm done with you people and your fucking mercies!

So this is how I go out? Shot in the back of an expensive car, my body dumped in a river where no one will ever find me.

Fitting. Born invisible, die invisible.

Fuck... I'm so sorry Hope, I know you can keep hating me if you try, so keep trying, it'll make this easier, Louise.

Milo, Brie... They'll never know, they'll never fucking know what happened to me. Josh, take care of them, do you hear me? You take fucking care of them!

Heather, my little princess... I love you so much, so fucking much.

I never should have come here.

I won't go out on my knees, sitting up and looking him right in the eye.

"I'm coming home, Granny."


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