Chapter 27

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I’m drunk.

No, I’m more than drunk. I’m pretty sure I actually died four shots ago.

Elba can’t stop laughing at us laying on the floor in the middle of the town centre, how nobody has stood on us yet I’ll never know because this place is heaving, but like fuck could I stand anymore.

“Oh look at that one!” A bright electric blue explosion fills the sky, almost an identical colour to mine and Kage’s outfits. I’ve been making fun of him all night for twinning with me, he thought it was really funny until people kept asking him if he was my brother. According to him he’s far too good looking to be my brother, which is proof that he’s never met my actual brothers. Stupidly good looking damn Thompsons.

A second explosion hits, creating a sky of red, white and green like the Italian flags hanging from so many of the rooftops here. It’s fucking gorgeous and the one that Elba has been waiting for but she doesn’t even see it, her tongue buried too far down the pretty blonde girl’s throat to pay attention to anything else.

The whole crowd cheers as more tiny blasts fill the air, I’m not usually great with really loud noises anymore but the alcohol has completely numbed my senses and I’m loving every second of this.

I spot Kage locking up the bar across the street, but of course he can’t see me laying here through the crowd, not that he would stop if he could if the curvy brunette on his arm is anything to go by.

I’m not usually one for jealousy, I know the reason I can’t get myself to be with someone is because of who I am and not because of the lack of options, but sometimes when I see everybody else so willing to give themselves over to another person, it hurts a stupid part of me.

“I do believe that is the end, bellisima. Are you ready to return?” Elba asks through panted breaths as the girl she's with kisses all down the side of her neck. Maybe I should take her up on that threesome thing.

“Yeah, I’m fucking freezing anyway.” I’m in so little fabric that I’m practically laying naked on a cold cobbled floor, of course I’m fucking freezing.

It takes us a solid three attempts and both Mario and Luigi to get us onto our feet, crying with laughter the entire time. Elba with her arm wrapped around hair girls shoulders, hardly letting their lips pass as they start to walk back towards the dock.

Tonight has been... eye opening.

Something is going on here, I’m not as stupid as people let themselves believe and I’ve seen some serious shit in my life. This family aren’t what I thought, there's definitely more to them and you can bet my fine juicy ass that I’m going to find out what it is.

I got my suspicions but you can’t just come out and ask people this shit, I need to get some more evidence, and I know exactly where I’m going to start.

Stumbling and falling more than a new-born fawn along the way, Luigi ends up looping my arm behind his neck with clear annoyance just to help me to stay on my feet.

“Oh, you love me!”

He does not love me.

I genuinely can’t see anything properly but excitement hits me when the blurry outline of the boat comes into sight. I’m about to go all Agatha fucking Christie on these bitches.

“Belle, are you good to get back to your room? I think I’m going to take this one to see the hot tub on the roof.”

We have a hot tub on the roof?!

Elba’s date looks just as excited about this prospect as I do, jumping up and wrapping her legs around my girl’s waist before plunging her tongue deep into her mouth.

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