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So I was going to write this on Mike's birthday but I think it still needs some improvements so I'm posting it today. Tell me what you think.

Here's a Bike story.....


Mike is at home playing his bass guitar on the couch when suddenly, his doorbell rings.

It's Billie Joe.

"Happy birthday Mike. You're 50 man. Where the fuck does the time go?" Billie walks over to Mike smiling and gives him a hug. "40 years of friendship and musical adventures together. I love you so much."

"I love you too Billie." Mike says getting a bit teary eyed. He loved his friend. They hug a little tighter.

"What are we doing for your birthday?" Billie asks while sitting on the couch running his fingers through his hair.

"I dunno, I don't really have anything planned man. I was just going to lay low tonight and maybe do something this weekend." Said Mike tuning his bass guitar.

"Fuck that shit. You're 50 once. Let's throw a fucking party." Billie said with a smirk.

"Okay, fine. We can do something to celebrate. I just don't know exactly what yet."

There was a pause for a moment. "You want a coffee?" Mike asked.

"Yeah sure." Said Billie Joe.

Mike made a hot cup of coffee for the both of them and set it down on the coffee table across from the couch they were sitting on in the living room.

"I think. I uh, I know what I want to do for my birthday." Mike murmured.

Billie glanced up after sipping his coffee. "Yeah? What's that?"

Mike firmly grabs Billie by the wrist and directs him up off the couch. "Come here." He says to Billie. Looking at him with his beautiful blue eyes.

They both look at each other in silence.

Billie's green eyes widened with a loving gaze. He understood what Mike wanted and leaned in for a kiss. A kiss that felt so perfect. They both closed their eyes enjoying each other's mouths drowning in pleasure.

Mike softly sucked Billie's bottom lip into his mouth. After several kisses, their lips were wet with saliva.

Billie nestled his nose into Mike's neck inhaling his scent. Then kissing it up and down. Sucking the skin of his neck into his mouth leaving small love bites.

Mike slammed Billie against the wall and started unbuttoning his leopard printed shirt. Billie undid his pants and belt buckle. Playfully grabbed Mike by his throat with a firm, possessive grip and roughly kissed him. Mike let out a soft moan. They passionately swirled their tongues in each others mouths.

Mike touched Billies chest. His skin was soft. He gently flicked his tongue on Billie's nipple.

Mike unzipped his pants and took his cock in his hand. Spitting on it, jerking himself off as he and Billie kissed. Billie did the same.
Mike then got on his knees and took Billie Joe's cock into his mouth. Sucking it without mercy. Billie moaned grabbing onto Mike's hair. Letting out a soft breathy moan. "Jesus fucking Christ." He pushed Mikes head deeper into his cock pushing his hips towards him with a harsh thrust.

"Suck my cock just like that." He whispered. "You're doing a great job. Don't fucking stop."

Billie firmly held onto Mike's hair.

Mike's eyes met Billie's and they looked at one another with intense desire. and he started to stroke his lover.

"I'm gonna fucking bust." Billie whimpered.

Billie came early but spent the rest of his time satisfying Mike.

"You got a nice body...a nice ass too." Mike said slapping Billie's ass. "I want to fuck that tight asshole."

"Yeah? Give it to me." Billie smirked. "Shove it in."

Billie laid on the couch on his back with his legs propped over Mike's shoulder.

Mike was fucking Billie's ass while jerking him off.

"Fuck, that feels so good." Mike moaned.
They fucked for several minutes.

Billie came again. His cum spraying on his happy trail and Mike unloaded himself inside of him shortly after.

"Come on, push that shit out...squirt that fucking shit out. Let me see." Mike whispered.

Billie pushed Mike's cum out of his ass and as it dripped out, Mike slurped it up.

"Fucking nasty mother fucker." Billie chuckled.

Mike smiled.

They gently kissed and put their clothes back on.

"Happy birthday old man." Billie said.
"Let's go celebrate."

The End

Too much? Cringe? Tell me in the comments lol I'm writing some more so stay tuned.

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