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Here's my attempt at writing. Kevin x Billie fanfiction. Should it be Killie or Kellie? Hope you like it!

PoisonAndBlood says Killie because they're "Killing it!"


The band just got done playing a gig in Netherlands. Kevin snuck into Billie's dressing room after having a couple of drinks with the rest of the band.

"Hey Billie Joe." He said a bit tipsy with a sexy smile. "You gonna come out and hang?"

"Hey Kev. No, no, not tonight. I'm going to lay did great tonight, man." Billie complimented.

"Thanks, it's always a pleasure."

"You want a toast?" Billie asks as he offers Kevin a glass of wine.

"Sure. I'll have a glass."

Kevin and Billie sit and chat on the couch talking about what they enjoyed from their tour so far. Being able to perform at multiple venues, going sight seeing, taking the boat in Italy, hanging out with the band and how they were a bit homesick. But being on tour always made them feel great. It was a natural high like no other.

Before they knew it, the bottle of wine was finished.

"I gotta call my Uber and get to my hotel." Kevin said slurring a bit and glancing at his phone.

Billie stood up to walk him out the door, Kevin leaned over to give him a hug and kiss.

"Hey man, I fucking love you." Kevin said.

"I love you, too." Billie blushed and chuckled.

"Do you want to come with me and hang at my hotel? I know you said you want to lay low for the night but it's just me. We can watch some TV, have a couple of drinks. We can go do some sightseeing in the morning before tomorrow's concert." Kevin suggested.

"Yeah sure. I'll go, just let me get my stuff ready." said Billy.

Kevin lit a blunt while they were both waiting outside for the Uber. Billie took a hit.

During the drive to the hotel, both of them kept laughing. Between the wine and the weed, they were very touchy with each other and both feeling really good.

They stumbled into Kevin's hotel room and started making out. Billie grabbed onto Kevin's face and went in deeper for a kiss using his tongue. It was filthy and delicious. He remembered doing that during their Longshot and Foxboro Hot Tub days but they never went as far as sucking each other's dicks.

Billie was really horny and Kevin's flirtatious ways did not help.

"Do you want to fuck or what?" Kevin said taking a bottle of lube out of his suitcase and playfully tossing it at Billie.

Billie smirked. Kevin walked closer to him and planted a kiss on his neck.

Kevin's bulge was growing in his tight pants. Billie couldn't help but look.

"Do you want to suck it?" Kevin asked rubbing it against Billie's thighs.

Billie the got on his hands and knees and started taking off Kevin's pants.

"Yeah. Let me see that cock." Billie said.
"Lay on your back." He pushed Kevin onto the bed.

He grabbed the lube and squirted some on. Jerking himself off as Kevin got undressed.

"You're so pretty, Billie. I'm gonna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours."

Once Kevin was naked on the bed, Billie started sucking him off. "God Billie. Fuck." Kevin moaned. Billie went from licking and sucking Kevin's cock to lubing up his asshole and sticking his thumb inside eventually pressing the tip of his dick inside.

Billie started ramming Kevin in his tight hole "Oh fuck Billie, right fucking there man."

Billie's eyes locked with Kevin's as he thrusted inside of his ass. Kevin watched, he watched Billie's sweating face, neck, and chest. The faster Billie went, the quicker he was close to climax as their moans got longer and louder. Most of what they were moaning were incoherent grunts, but sometimes it was cuss words or each others names. Either way, it was hot as fuck, and he found himself being between Billie's legs was extremely sexy. And he had such an impulse to fuck him and have his way with him once Billie came in his ass.

"I wanna feel you cum in my ass." Kevin moaned.

Billie came inside of Kevin. Grunting profanities. He was hot and sweaty as he pumped his last couple of thrusts inside of him. Looking incredibly hot.

"You going to fuck me now?" Billie asked smiling.

"Yeah." Kevin said.

"Go easy though. I'm an old man." Billie chuckled.

"I can be gentle... Kevin smirked. "Let's get you nice and ready for me. Come here, turn around you East Bay Punk." He said.

Billie propped himself up with his ass up for display. His butt was a little fuller and rounder compared to their Foxboro Hot Tubs and Longshot days. Billie was a bit plumper but there was more to love. Kevin grabbed a fist full of each cheek and massaged it. Then put some lube as Billie spread himself exposing his pink puckered hole.

Kevin put some lube in his finger and teased it around Billie's rim.

"Tell me what you want me to do to you." Kevin said seductively.

"I uh...I like being tied down. Take my tie and tie me up." Billie said.

Kevin got off the bed and walked over to Billies pile of clothes on the floor and took his tie, wrapping his wrists together behind his back.

"This tight enough?" He asked.

"Yeah that's good." Billie said.

"Damn Billie, you look so hot tied up like this."

Kevin's cock twitched. Excited to fuck Billie.

"Mmh. That's a yummy hole you've got there. I got to get a taste before I lose my fucking mind." Kevin said as he slowly licked Billie's hole and crack. He gave his ass a smack as Billie moaned a delicious moan and Kevin started pounding him.

"Yeah. Take it." Kevin grunted. "You like getting fucked in the ass huh? You love being railed don't you?"

"Oh god. Fuck yeah." Billie moaned.

Kevin was getting close. He smacked Billie's ass again and untied him. As he finished inside of Billie.

After the sex was over, Kevin pulled Billie's hair and kissed his delicious bottom lip.

His head tossed back exposing his glorious neck. Kevin left kisses all over it.

He pulled Billie into his chest and kissed the top of his head. They nuzzled their faces against one another and laid on the bed snuggling with arms wrapped around each other. Kevin closed his eyes and buried his face into Billie's hair.

"That was so good." Kevin said relaxed and out of breath.

"Yeah it was." Billie agreed.

They kissed and woke up together to go sightseeing the next morning.

Hope you all enjoyed this one! Comments are always welcome.

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