Snippet from the Sequel - An Ocean of Memories

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This one is a bit long. There's a sweet build up before the smut but if you want to get right to it, scroll down to where the smut starts. I hope you all enjoy!


Billie and y/n are on the phone chatting. Billie is at the recording studio and y/n is at home. The kids are with Grandma Ollie for the weekend and you're making plans to enjoy each other......

"I was thinking we should take a ride on the boat over to Catalina Island. Spend the night at the beach house. Y'know, just us." Billie said.

He was the sweetest. Even with the babies and a busy career he always made time for you.

You packed an overnight duffle bag for the both of you and after finishing up at the studio, Billie picked you up at the house in his antique black Convertible.

When you arrived at the docks, Billie Joe opened the car door for you. You both walked hand in hand towards the yacht which was about 5 minutes from where he had parked. The ocean breeze and waves were so calming on this hot summer night.

"Ladies first." He smiled. As you got to the yacht. You kissed his perfect lips and put your hand on the rail as he held your other hand while you stepped onto the boat. "Careful, watch your step with those heels." he said. He was ever so protective.

He untied the boat from the dock before he stepped in.

"Wow Billie Joe, this is nice." You said looking around.

"Shit, I've had this thing for a while, just never really made the time to use it. Life gets busy. I want to take the kids on here y'know, when they're a bit older."

You imagined Lillie a bit older and the twins as toddlers running around the deck with little life vests on. Uncle Tre, and Daddy taking them for a swim. Their big brothers holding them, and pointing out into the ocean.

He took you to the helm and showed you how to navigate the yacht until you were away from the shoreline.

The city lights of Oakland glistened as you watched it get further away from shore. The moon and stars eventually being the only source of light aside from the ones on the boat.

"It's beautiful. Almost mesmerizing. What a great idea! This is perfect, Billie Joe." you said as you looked up at the moon shining above you, casting it's reflection over the ocean.

He walked over behind you and placed his hands on your waist. Kissing your neck. The kiss gave you goosebumps.

"It's about to get better. Come here." Billie said as he offered his arm like such a gentleman and led you to the top deck where there was a small table set up with a bottle of champagne with crystal glasses, a charcuterie board and a platter of chocolate covered strawberries. On the center of the table was a vase filled with fresh carnations and one of those dim LED candles.

"I uh, called ahead and had this delivered and set up before we got here." He explained. "What do you think?" He smiled proudly. Looking so handsome.

"Billie, this is perfect." you said as you peck his lips. He pulls a chair out as he leads you to take a seat. You smiled and giggled for a bit simply excited and so happy that he was doing this all for you. You couldn't wipe the smile from your face. And he was just as happy to see you smiling and enjoying yourself even if you couldn't put your gratitude into words.

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