chapter Five

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LaVar wakes up all of us with a horn at 6:45am in the morning, Melo and I both struggle to get up and then Lonzo knocks on the door...

Zo: Aye, film crews gonna be here in 30 minutes if your gonna have a shower have one now dad wants all of downstairs before they arrive...

Melo: yep!
He says getting out of bed walking into the bathroom starting the shower...

I the get out of bed and walk into the bathroom taking off my clothes and hoping in with Melo, i wrap my arms around his waist and he turns to face me, his lips meet mine and we start to make out things start to get more intense and I pull away.

Melo: whats wrong?

Kehlani: I don't want to lose my virginity this way...

Melo: oh yeah, I understand.

I smile and we both continue our shower once we're finish we both dry ourselves and get dressed before walking downstairs.

LaVar: Alright, so what do you guys wanna do now that ya'll are a couple did you wanna go public with it or keep it private?

Melo: Private.

Kehlani: public.
We both say at the same time, I look at him shocked and he doesn't look at me at all.

LaVar: well which one is it private or public?

Melo: Private.

LaVar looks at me making sure I'm okay with it.

I nod my head agreeing with LaMelo even tho I wanted it to be public. As soon as I nodded the film crew walked in the house.

Courtney: Good morning guys!

everyone says hi back and Courtney starts to talk again.

Courtney : So, do ya'll wanna get straight into filming or?

LaVar: yeah we'll start filming as soon as the cameras are set up.

Courtney nods in agreement and the film crew start setting up the cameras and stuff...

LaVar: alright, so you guys just act like it's a normal day alright ?

We all nod and the film crew eventually finish setting up the cameras. I tap Melo on the shoulder getting his attention...

Melo: whats up?

Kehlani: can I talk to you upstairs please ?

Melo: Yeah sure.

We both start to walk upstairs and enter his room closing the door behind us...

Melo sits on the bed and he bites his lip looking me up and down before he starts to say something...

Melo: whats wrong?

Kehlani: how come you wanted to keep our relationship private?

Melo: Omg Bro! I said that cause you know how cruel the media can be!

Kehlani: Okay? And?

Melo: And, I don't want to risk our relationship cause the media could tear it apart!

Kehlani: ok? But we're public at school?

Melo: what? No we're not, I still do the same things I did to you when we were just friends?

Kehlani: how about when you kiss me? And hold my hand at school infront of everyone?

Melo: I held your hand when we were friends and i still kissed you when we were friends? No one has questioned you or me at school if we're in a relo or not so yeah...

Kehlani: Your an asshole!
I say throwing a pillow at him as tears leave my eyes...



Melo: you're fucking crazy man!

Kehlani: Oh I'm crazy now? That's fine imma leave den...
I say gathering my things putting them in a bag.

I start walking towards the door but Melo grabs my wrist stopping me...

Melo: wait, you know I didn't mean dat...

I remove my wrist from his grip and walk out his room without saying anything, I then leave his house and walk over to my house.
as I enter the house I notice my mum in the kitchen...

Mum: Why are you home, I thought you were staying at Melos again tonight?

Kehlani: him and I just got into a fight and i just wanna spend sometime by myself.
I say walking up the stairs and entering my room locking the door as i enter.

I then lay on my bed and instantly start to cry...

Time passes and I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing... I must've fallen asleep after crying or something, anyways i look at my phone and notice it's Melo I ignore his call and see that I've got heaps of missed calls and unopened messages from him, I decide to open the messages and see that he's been spamming me with how sorry he is and all that. I then receive and new message from him saying that he's coming over. After about 10 minutes I hear a knock on my bedroom door I ignore it and I start to hear Melo talking...

LaMelo: I'm sorry, please open the door so we can talk... I love you.

I start to cry and I was shocked that he said that he loved me for the first time. I still ignore him and he hits my door hard causing me to jump I then hear my fathers voice.

Dad: Aye, don't be hitting my daughters door like that, she obviously doesn't wanna talk to you, you should probably leave.

LaMelo: sorry Mr. Jordan.

LaMelos footsteps leave the door and I can't hold myself back anymore... I open my door and yell out to Melo.

Kehlani: MELO!

He stops, and looks back at me I then signal him to come into my room and he does so...

I then close my door behind him and he sits on my bed and I sit next to him.

Kehlani: Melo, I'm sorry. I over reacted and I'm really sorry...

LaMelo: No, I'm sorry... your right we shouldn't have to keep our relationship private, And I told Courtney about how we're in a relationship during the interview so it's public now, but I love you Kehlani, I really do.

Kehlani: I love you too Melo
I say kissing him.

The kiss then turns into a heated make out session and things start to get a little sexual until my dad walks in, LaMelo quickly gets off of me and fixes his clothes up...

Dad: Get out.

LaMelo: yes sir.
He says walking out almost instantly...

Kehlani: Da-

Dad: I don't wanna know, I do not wanna know.
He says walking back out of my room and closing my door...

I can't help but to slightly giggle, I then get a message from Melo...

Melo ❤️

That was awkward, we'll have to finish that off later 😘

I agree x

Goodnight x

Night xx


I smile, put my phone on charge and go to sleep.


1157 words.
Hope u enjoyed xx

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